Forty two no longer!

I'm really only filling in something because Auntie asked me to. I live in deepest rural France in the Corrèze with SWMBO and run a B&B here, called La Souvigne. I used to be a freelance chef & wine consultant, with computing connections, and SWMBO was a french mistress until she started getting deaf. I've been on various food based chat groups for some ten years now, and probably have about twenty thousand recipes on disk. I guess 90% aren't very good, but I'm working through them to see which ones I like.

Other hobbies are music, especially renaissance and medieval polyphony and Bridge, which we don't play much anymore as the French don't play it as a hobby.

We are also fairly keen on birds (Jacquie's nearly a twitcher) and wild flowers of which I've got a pretty good collection of photos including many of the orchids to be found in this department, which you could look at on" > />
By the wonders of modern science ian at souvigne dot com can reach me if you need the odd recipe or in emergencies. Alternatively, I've put up about 280 of the recipes I cook more or less regularly here:-" > . As they are written in both French and English, you could use them as a cooking vocabulary aid.


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