This is the Message Centre for ianisinfrance

writing to the hosts

Post 1

Annie ™

Hi Ian
could you let me have details of how to write to the hosts please. problably best done via this method than the board.

[email protected]

writing to the hosts

Post 2


Hi there Fiona

Go to the Food front page here

right at the bottom on the left had side, there's a link that says "Contact us". Click on that and you'll be taken to a feedback page (I can't give you the link because it only sends to the food board if it's accessed FROM the food board).

As you scroll down that page, you come to a section entitled
Comments about
which is a fill-in form, and you can use that. I know they read it, because Wilco did once answer me when I had similar zapping problems.

Rosie has another route (which I've forgotten, though it may be something like emailing [email protected]

Best of luck. At the moment what with one thing and another, as I said earlier, the BBC rules as at present laid down and interpreted are all set to kill these boards.
smiley - sadface

Hope that helps.
All the Best

writing to the hosts

Post 3

Annie ™

Thanks Ian I've written to them asking them t reinstate the post and/or to forward a copy of the post to me so I could put it in my records.


writing to the hosts

Post 4


Best of Luck, though I fear you'll be disappointed. I miss Wilco.

If they don't - put the recipes up again!!


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