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Post 1


Hi Ian,
Just to remind you - as far as I know, Foodlov is a recovering alcoholic and thus one has to be very careful (or does one?) to omit any mention of alcohol when responding to any of her posts. OR, should one specify that the inclusion of alcohol is optional and not necessary? The problem is that, IMHO, this does not always stand true, especially for some classic dishes! What do you think?

Looked at your web site re. La Souvigne (apologies if I`ve got this wrong). However, it looks a really wonderful place for a sojurn and I`m deeply envious. If I spoke decent French I`d be tempted to sell up and open my own B&B!!

Re. the cookery book "wot you is writing" the points that you make in your posting to Foodlov are perfect tips/advice for a risotto recipe - but you know this already!!!!!

Would you believe that I live in Edinburgh, have no central heating (my choice) and the temperature in my sitting room is 74.6F on a still and balmy night?

Regards to you and Jacquie,
p.s. apologies if I`ve spelt your wife`s name incorrectly - I`m doing it from memory of reading the web site earlier in the week.


Post 2


Hi Archidic,

Glad you've found my h2g2 page. Thanks for your very kind comments. You'd be surprised how many British people think they can run a B&B speaking only minimal - if not non existent - French. They are the ones who return crestfallen to the UK, having lost a bundle of money and saying the French are unfriendly.

Thanks also for the info, of which I was ignorant. You'll see how I dealt with the question in my follow up to her. Just a small warning, anyone can read these pages, though they may need a hint to find them. What you can find here, as well as on my web page, is a method of emailing me, and of course that's entirely private. I'd welcome one - perhaps to continue the discussion re the dilemma about what ingredients are suitable to mention and aren't.

Your comment re risotto is very kind. I suspect I should grab my answer and copy it into the misc section on line anyway. And lastly, Jacquie is spelt perfectly!! Rare to find that!

All the Best - and thanks again for writing,

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