This is the Message Centre for ianisinfrance


Post 1


Hi Ian,
The recipe that I posted to RocktheMouse was one I was given via another (US) food message board. It is one for her to try and play around with and hopefully, make a product she can sell at the Farmer`s Market. Re. the dry mustard, I would use Coleman`s. I take your point regarding other ingredients - just went to check my carton of Coleman`s mustard powder. The only ingredient listed is mustard flour - nothing else.

2 tins/cartons in the cupboard - old tin, no apostrophe, new tin.carton with the apostrophe!

As you can see, I`ve signed up to this!



Post 2



Thanks for the info - and for the reply. I'm surprised about the contents of Colmans, because I was about certain it had other goodies. I'm in Brest (langoustine, praires and coquilles St Jacques for suppersmiley - ok) with my seafood loving friends. Back properly in touch from next Weds.

Well done in working out how to write. If you look at my blurb you'll see my email address if ever you need to get in touch (recipes sometimes).


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