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The Party Mutates
Wowbagger Started conversation Sep 12, 1999
It's amazing! Start a party somewhere and it develops a life of its own.
My place is now open to continue the never-ending party. Well... it's not really my place but the pad next door. They're overseas for a year... (which is a good thing - it'll probably take us a year to clean up the mess )
The Party Mutates
msmonsy Posted Sep 12, 1999
*tears herself away from her wall*....Did someone say PARTY!!??!!......i brought baskets full of goodies care for a sampler before the crowd arrives???
the wallflower
The Party Mutates
msmonsy Posted Sep 12, 1999
*turns music up all the way and begins to dance about the room wildly*
"welcome to the party as you can see it is just getting started
the wallflower
The Party Mutates
Wowbagger Posted Sep 13, 1999
yay!!! got the balloons and party favours - did you bring the chocolate vodka fishies again Monsy?
And where's Shazz? She's usually early to these things. and I haven't used up all of my maple syrup yet
The Party Mutates
msmonsy Posted Sep 13, 1999
"of course i brought the fishies!!" you don't think i would go anywhere without them now do you??!! ....shazz is around here somewhere, here i will light the Shazz signal & get her attention.
*lights a very large and bright spot light and points it towards the sky*.......
The Party Mutates
Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here) Posted Sep 13, 1999
Is this a private party or is anybody welcome? In the latter case, I have some of the most loopy froods on the shroom just aching to join in... :-o X-) and look, they brought music!
-deep dobeee dap dap dobey dab dab - yeah yeah yeah (repeat)
The Party Mutates
Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here) Posted Sep 13, 1999
C'm on then, let's BBOOOOGGYY!!
- ...ha, ha, ha, ha, taking a dive, learning to drive, haha ha ha ha
Bonny & Clyde, taking a ride, ha ha ha ha stayin aliiiiiiive, hive, beehive, jive... -
Brought discoball and platform shoes to boot
. . . .
..... . ....... . .. .........
.......... ........ .......
The Party Mutates
msmonsy Posted Sep 13, 1999
FANTABULOUS!!!!!!! let's boogy woogy 'till we can't boogy no more
here, have a vodka filled chocolate fishy they will help to set the mood for this gathering
The Party Mutates
msmonsy Posted Sep 14, 1999
of course with it just being us that means we don't have to share as many goodies
*desides to make the most of the party and puts funky music on the stereo then begins her funky little dance*
The Party Mutates
FairlyStrange Posted Sep 14, 1999
I'd bring out my video camera, but I don't think I really want a record of this!
AAHHH!!!!.....A DISCO party!!!!! NOW you have my attention!...Here, I have vintage "Bee Gees" in this box.
.......Anybody got one of those....what did they call them........uh...record players(I think!).
The Party Mutates
msmonsy Posted Sep 15, 1999
"Stayin' Alive, Stayin' Alive, AHAHAHAH Stayin' Alive!!!"..."now this is music i can groove to!!"
Gotta Boogie!
Wowbagger Posted Sep 15, 1999
Heyyyyyyy! The floor's lighting up! I'm suddenly wearing black silk shirt, white flares and white jacket with a collar that could poke somebody's eye out!
Gotta Boogie!
msmonsy Posted Sep 15, 1999
*does her best Saturday Night Live imitation with Wowbagger*....."my but this is such great fun!!!, oops, sorry about stepping on your foot there, i am a little rusty
Gotta Boogie!
Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here) Posted Sep 15, 1999
My platform shoes get me so high, I can't think straight!
Where's the punch? Oh, here!
Gotta Boogie!
Wowbagger Posted Sep 17, 1999
Goog grief Prez, that joke is as old as those flares you're wearing!
My you are tall in those boots!
Hey baby, what's your star sign?
Gotta Boogie!
msmonsy Posted Sep 17, 1999
and that line isn't old!!??!!
but since it has been spoken let's all give our signs in that great 70's fashion..........
i'll go first....i'm a pisces
*returns to the dance floor and begins to boogy to the Gap Band*
"you dropped the bomb on me.................."
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The Party Mutates
- 1: Wowbagger (Sep 12, 1999)
- 2: msmonsy (Sep 12, 1999)
- 3: 3Syllables (Sep 12, 1999)
- 4: msmonsy (Sep 12, 1999)
- 5: Wowbagger (Sep 13, 1999)
- 6: msmonsy (Sep 13, 1999)
- 7: Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here) (Sep 13, 1999)
- 8: msmonsy (Sep 13, 1999)
- 9: Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here) (Sep 13, 1999)
- 10: msmonsy (Sep 13, 1999)
- 11: Wowbagger (Sep 14, 1999)
- 12: msmonsy (Sep 14, 1999)
- 13: FairlyStrange (Sep 14, 1999)
- 14: msmonsy (Sep 15, 1999)
- 15: Wowbagger (Sep 15, 1999)
- 16: msmonsy (Sep 15, 1999)
- 17: Swiv (decrepit postgrad) (Sep 15, 1999)
- 18: Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here) (Sep 15, 1999)
- 19: Wowbagger (Sep 17, 1999)
- 20: msmonsy (Sep 17, 1999)
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