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Gotta Boogie!
shazzPRME Posted Sep 26, 1999
*standing on head with a can of Theakstons clutched in one hand*
Look at me
I'm as lonely as a *** in a ***
I can't understand why I'm misty
just holding you close.
Walk my way
and a thousand violins begin to play ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Je T'adore,Ich Leibe Dicht~~~~
Get these fish out of my mouth pleash!
Gotta Boogie!
TowelMaster Posted Sep 27, 1999
Ladies and gentlemen : The dream you've all dreamed of.........
Gotta Boogie!
TowelMaster Posted Sep 27, 1999
In France a skinny man died of a big desease with a little name
By chance his girlfriend came across a needle and soon she did the same
At home there's seventeen year old boys and their idea of fun
Is being in a gang called The Disciples, high on crack, totin' a machinegun...
Talk about groove..! *searches for some 'cake'*
Gotta Boogie!
TowelMaster Posted Sep 27, 1999
Oh dear, your not there again Shazz....
Well beter luck next time..
Gotta Boogie!
TowelMaster Posted Sep 28, 1999
HELLOOOOOoooo...Where Is Everybody...??
Want me to write that 1024 times ?
Oh s**t, 's been done...
How about 1025 times, you know, just to throw the computer off balance.....
Gotta Boogie!
Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here Posted Sep 28, 1999
Sings along to the theme music from the Peanuts newspaper cartoon strip which can be found at
Gotta Boogie!
shazzPRME Posted Sep 28, 1999
Sorry TM.....I was working offline on the *Mayor* site
.I will deff. be around on Thursday night.....maybe catch you then?!
Gotta Boogie!
msmonsy Posted Sep 28, 1999
and TM please don't write anything 1024 or 1025 times for if you do i fear we will just have to vaporize you and trust be it will hurt you much more than it will hurt us why don't we just eat drink dance and be merry instead??!!
*grabs nearest victom and drags them to the dancefloor to begin boogying the night away*
Gotta Boogie!(if they don't kill me...)
TowelMaster Posted Sep 28, 1999
I have the distinct feeling something went wrong somewhere not so long ago but I'll be damned if I know what it was...
Disgruntled ???????
Stiff things ??????????????????
It's either that or your all just plain wait a minute It's either that or that AND you're all weird...
Gotta Boogie!(if they don't kill me...)
TowelMaster Posted Sep 28, 1999
Thursday I'll be on very late, I'm talking 01:00 Dutch time here...
Maybe until then...
Gotta Boogie!(if they don't kill me...)
Obscure Posted Sep 29, 1999
Its Thursday already, I must a slipped into another dimension, question If we're all weird, what are you?
An ecuadorian ardvaark, directing traffic on a thursday afternoon, with a banana in one ear, and a disco globe on your head.
If anyone puts on the Village people I 'will' take hostages...
Gotta Boogie!(if they don't kill me...)
Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here Posted Sep 29, 1999
Back in the 70s The Village People were my, extremly straight, mother's favourite band until I pointed out to her the fact they were gay.
In The Navy, In The Navy
Gotta Boogie!(if they don't kill me...)
msmonsy Posted Sep 29, 1999
does anyone know the story of the video to that song???
they were going to shoot the video on an actual Navy Ship until the Navy decided that they did not want anyone with a different sexual preferance than themselves on the ship....they decided that it would not be the kind of publicity that they wanted so The Village People had to use a mock personal opinion on the whole Navy/Video thing is the Navy is a bit too stiff for their own britches and they need to loosen up!! oh well, i still like the Village People, they make you want to move your feet and from what i've seen seem to have a ball!! SO LET'S DANCE!!!!
Gotta Boogie!(if they don't kill me...)
TowelMaster Posted Sep 29, 1999
Nonononononono NO !!!
Please do Obscure and myself a favor : No Village P.....
There is so much good music, could we just skip The V.P. and even more so : Boney X ! Please don't do it to us, you were going so well...
BTW the response-times at H2G2 are absolutely S**T S**T and one more time : S**T. So if I have signed off you know why...
Gotta Boogie!(if they don't kill me...)
FairlyStrange Posted Sep 29, 1999
AMEN to the loading times!
Wowbagger Posted Sep 30, 1999
Wakes up from coma. It's all a downloading nightmare.
Hi everyone! Did I miss much?
Nice music everyone's been playing! Kung Fu Fighting!?! LOL EXCELLENT!
How about good old Cliff? Everyone chuck on their rollerskates (for the youngsters.... the things that came before rollerblades)
ROLLER DISCORAMA!!! (And we're wired for sound.....)
TowelMaster Posted Sep 30, 1999
Rock the boat(*yeah rock the boat baby)
Rock the boat(*don't tip the boat over)
Rock the boat(*rock the boat baby)
Key: Complain about this post
Gotta Boogie!
- 101: shazzPRME (Sep 26, 1999)
- 102: TowelMaster (Sep 27, 1999)
- 103: TowelMaster (Sep 27, 1999)
- 104: msmonsy (Sep 27, 1999)
- 105: shazzPRME (Sep 27, 1999)
- 106: TowelMaster (Sep 27, 1999)
- 107: TowelMaster (Sep 28, 1999)
- 108: Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here (Sep 28, 1999)
- 109: shazzPRME (Sep 28, 1999)
- 110: msmonsy (Sep 28, 1999)
- 111: TowelMaster (Sep 28, 1999)
- 112: TowelMaster (Sep 28, 1999)
- 113: shazzPRME (Sep 28, 1999)
- 114: Obscure (Sep 29, 1999)
- 115: Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here (Sep 29, 1999)
- 116: msmonsy (Sep 29, 1999)
- 117: TowelMaster (Sep 29, 1999)
- 118: FairlyStrange (Sep 29, 1999)
- 119: Wowbagger (Sep 30, 1999)
- 120: TowelMaster (Sep 30, 1999)
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