The Research Remit of O-the-O

Having been a registered researcher for a few weeks, I thought it about time I let you know about me. I have been a guide owner for many years after I heard some of its earliest signals over the sub-ether. If you think that means I may be gaining on Slartibartfast in years you would be wrong, I just walked around with my ears open and heard a lot of stuff as a kid. My life has taken me to some odd corners of the human race, its creations and its bodily functions. To make life (that terminal illness that gets everyone in the end) easier for those hoopy froods at Megadodo Publishing Inc., and so lubricate and hasten their passage through it, I have decided to limit my research to those areas that I know so well. 1. The Human Race. 2. Its Creations. 3. Its Bodily Functions. If possible I shall research areas that involve all three. Possibly an invention associated with the bodily functions of the human race may be good, if squelchy, subject matter. To all readers who think I may just be trying for cheap laughs with toilet humour, I say to you: Laughs, yes. Toilet humour, yes. Cheap, Oh no! If you have questions on any subject that falls within my remit, clean it off, and ask it in the forum I have set up to handle such enquiries hygenically and away from those vulnerable to disease. Look out for the future submissions: "The Sydney Harbour Bridge and You, What You Have In Common (and consequently, what you do not)." "Evolution I: A Natural Disaster" "Evolution II: Nipples For Men, & More Great Mistakes." "Chastity Belts I: A User's Guide." "Chastity Belts II: What They Are & How To Avoid Them."


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O-the-O (R 30565)

Researcher U30565

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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