A Conversation for Poetry

What is poetry?

Post 21

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Ok, I'll grant you the *early* 80's. May I have the late 70's then?

Turntablists, DJ's, or whatever you call 'em, will *never* be musicians in my book. They gave plagiarism a whole new meaning. Currently it's equivalent to music-rape. They even dared to mutilate ABBA, by adding factory-noise to it. Yugh!

What is poetry?

Post 22

%The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ

Regardless of taste, what your saying is the defenitions of all art forms have been changing, and surely this applies to poetry as well. Think of ludicrous the concept of beat poetry would seem in the sixteen hundreds.

What is poetry?

Post 23

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Speaking of Beat poetry, did you get around to that article? And yes, I'm sure that Ginsberg would have been burned at the stake for Howl...

What is poetry?

Post 24

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

That sums it up nicely, I'd say. I believe those ancient ancestors of ours would even consider a lot of today's music just infernal noise, and that wouldn't be because of taste...
But then again: what is considered "haute cuisine" today, would most probably have been "infernal poison" 400 years ago as well.

Anyway: taste is the only thing that defines any artform, but there's no objective way to define taste, as it's different for each of us.

What is poetry?

Post 25

%The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ

Well, the assignment is up. I'll I've got to do is add a few more links. Tell me what you think.

What is poetry?

Post 26

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Great, now you've achieved a form of poetic justice by saying nearly nothing, blowing it up to almost everything smiley - smiley

What is poetry?

Post 27

%The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ

Ironic, isn't it? smiley - winkeye

What is poetry?

Post 28

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor


What is poetry?

Post 29

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Well, if that's the answer, then.... what was the question again?

What is poetry?

Post 30

%The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ

What do you get when you multiply six and nine?

What is poetry?

Post 31

%The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ

Thank you DelphicOracle. Your views were very enlightening and your reference to "sad" really helped me out.

What is poetry?

Post 32

%The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ

Thank you all smiley - winkeye
I appreciate your input.
Now don't think that my assignment is the final word. I would love to hear you tear it down and take it appart and expose it for what you think it really is (though some praise might nice). If you have any points that you wish to argue, or things that we could expand on, go for it (for lack of better words).

What is poetry?

Post 33

O-the-O (R 30565)

A pun?

The pun is the lowest form of wit.
The bun is the lowset form of wheat.

That is a bad pun. I dont do bad puns without declaring them! (grumbles into the distance....)

What is poetry?

Post 34

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Hey, I didn't say that first one was a bad pun. Just that some people would say so. Come on now, no sulking....

What is poetry?

Post 35

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Oh, let it sulk and grumble, if it wants to. Some people need something to sulk over in the morning smiley - smiley

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