A Conversation for Saturday Matinees

Saturday Matinee

Post 1

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Greetings comrades!

I probably won't submit this; but I would be interested in hearing from anyone with similar matinee memories.


Saturday Matinee

Post 2

ReapeR (Weevium Mortus Eradicus)

Why not? It makes for brilliant reading! Well writen, laid out, entertaining and informative, sounds like guide fodder to me.smiley - smiley

Saturday Matinee

Post 3

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

I enjoyed writing it. I've had the idea in the back of my mind for a while.

It's probably a little to subjective for the Guide. If it was a more generic description of matinees, it would be better Guide material (I'm guessing). But that's not really what I wanted to write about.

I'm glad you enjoyed it though.

Saturday Matinee

Post 4

ReapeR (Weevium Mortus Eradicus)

Awwww, isn't it worth posting on the off chance, it certainly is good material?

Saturday Matinee

Post 5

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Thanks ReapeR. I think I will then. what is there to lose?

Saturday Matinee

Post 6

ReapeR (Weevium Mortus Eradicus)

Exactly smiley - smiley

Saturday Matinee

Post 7

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"


My first acceptance. Well, stone the bloody crows!

Thanks ReapeR for giving me a nudge.

Saturday Matinee

Post 8

Global Village Idiot


Don't fear the ReapeR! Welcome to the club, John-the-gardener (we always knew you'd walk in). Feels good, doesn't it?

Congratulations - first of many, I'm sure.
Oh, and lovely article too.

Saturday Matinee

Post 9

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Many thanks GVI !

You're right: It does feel good!

Saturday Matinee

Post 10

Doug Dastardly

Congratulations from Ginger and myself, lets hope it's the first of many! Great article! You sound just like Ginger's mum who is always going on about going to see Flash Gordon on Saturday mornings!

Saturday Matinee

Post 11


Yep its good. My mum would never let me go. I had to stay at home and play with those fuzzy felt things. She wouldn't let me eat Malltesers either. You had a privilliged upbringing.! Seriously, like the article. Submit some more like this and ........

Saturday Matinee

Post 12

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Thanks Doug and Ginger! Thanks Peta!

...and... fuzzy felt things? There's life stirring in that ooze, I think.

Saturday Matinee

Post 13


hey Congrats for getting an acceptance!

Saturday Matinee

Post 14

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Thanks, Benjymous.

Saturday Matinee

Post 15


no problem.

I'll just go and sulk now whilst I watch all my entries get rejected

Saturday Matinee

Post 16


I haven't been accepted or rejected. Just ignored. *sob*

Saturday Matinee

Post 17



here, have a galaxy minstrel (If I eat any more of these I'll throw up)

Saturday Matinee

Post 18

O-the-O (R 30565)

This is currently listed as one of both the "5 Busiest..." & "5 most neglected" fora. Surely we have more than 9 fora between us?

Saturday Matinee

Post 19

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

I am a bi-pedal mammal. Do we also have that in common?

The last time I looked at the front page, I was new and neglected; which seemed reasonable.

I'll have a look now.

Saturday Matinee

Post 20

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Apparently, this forum is presently the busiest, probably because I talk to myself (something most gardeners do; hence the myth regarding the benefits of talking to plants); and the article is new and neglected.

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