Chastity Belts.

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Many hundreds of years ago, throughout Europe, young women, who knew no better, frequently found themselves subject to one of four appalling fates:
1. The sophisticated seductive banter of medieval bounders.
2. They may be whisked off into the forest by an amorous young man.
3. The uglies would receive no attention.
4. Finally a local village fete.
Admittedly this last one is not strictly relevant but they are normally so appalling that I felt it was worth a mention.

The third fate of attracting no attention among young men was just embarrassing, however the first two fates could, and frequently did, result in a good hard seeing to followed by a swift wedding in disgrace and children. With sex prior to marriage not socially acceptable before the 1950s our medieval folk realised something must be done to stop all this rude squelchy fun.

They invented the Chastity Belt. Over time it became known as The Anti-Hanky-Panky-Panty.

At the first sight of a pubic hair, this steel contraption would be slapped over the naughty bits until marriage. A short while later it was discovered to be far more effective to put the chastity belts on the girls and so it was done.

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