This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1261


Oh now you're just showing offsmiley - laugh

Fame, how it effects some peoplesmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1262


Cheers Portly potter...and congrats to a well earned winsmiley - bubbly Thanks fot the extra two titles...Serinsmiley - dog

10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1263


I think I must have removed myself from this conversation by mistake - just found it again. Not that I was missed.... Anyway, if it's not too late, count me in too. Choice of four, pick one - see I read the posts smiley - tongueout

10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1264


Roy, welcome

I'm not in good form, threads too numerous to mention.smiley - sadface

ney mind, good too see ya my old muckersmiley - biggrin

10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1265

the fat gardener

Dear Lyndabk, I wondered why I couldn't get the hood of my anorak up.smiley - winkeye

Reminds me of a one-man play we went to see about train spotting. If you came in an anorak you got in for half price! Mrs FG wore an anorak with the hood drawn tight round his face, DSS glasses, and pulled a gormless face. The woman in the ticket office fell off her chair laughing.

10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1266


But - Fats - Did they let you again?

smiley - erm

10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1267


Roy - stop looking for sympathy or I'll tell everyone I left you tied up behind the potting shed.
hee hee

smiley - run

10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1268


Fats - I meant to say - did they let you OUT again - doh!

smiley - blush

10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1269


That garden twine really cuts in you know... especially if you struggle a bit for effect.

10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1270


Asmallnumberof monkeys

'Lo, how are you all?


10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1271

the fat gardener

Dear Mrs Loo, they let me out occasionally, but only disguised as a baglady.

10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1272


I wrote stories for three of the titles, but couldn't decide which one, if any, was good enough. My husband asked me what I was up to and then offered to read them and choose for me. Naturally, he chose the one I liked least and placed the one I liked best third.

I hate making decisions. How does everyone else do it?


10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1273


When is the end date?

10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1274


The 19th November Enig.
Hi Spidey,smiley - biggrin I hope you are well, I am, thanks for asking.
Now to actually write something..

10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1275


Two weeks? Bloody hell.

10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1276


Do you mean two weeks - bloody hell it's too long or two weeks - bloody hell it's to short Enig?

If you think it's a long time then I apologise but I am helping out with the stage managing at a production of Annie for the next fortnight, will be out of the house every single night now until next sunday, then from weds to sund next week, with matinees on the two saturdays as well.

So The Sun'll Come Out On the 19th November.smiley - magic


10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1277


Your life shouldn't get in the way of your challenge! smiley - winkeye

I said bloody hell because it seems a long time, but - I hasten to add - I wasn't complaining, just surprised.

I have an idea for you to shoot down in flames. It's just a possible way that we could mix it up a little some time as a change from the norm. How about if we are provided with the four titles and we then vote for our favourite one. Then the title that receives the most votes MUST be used by everyone. That way you get to compare everyone's different take on the same title.

Just an idea. I think it'd be good fun as a one-off.

10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1278


It would be interesting to see everyone use the same title...

10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1279


Yeah, I agree. I'd be game for it. smiley - ok

10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1280


smiley - winkeye

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