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The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1321

the fat gardener

What are we doing up at this time in the morning? Haven't we got beds to go to?

Oh well, may as well go and meet that deadline...smiley - run

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1322


You go girl! I'm away to make myself another cuppa and get another jumper. Bloody freezing... smiley - winkeye

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1323


Are we just waiting on Roy?

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1324


erm. I will do mine in the next half hour. Sorry guys.

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1325


I suggest that roy and spidey's scores be combined and added to mine for being late smiley - winkeye

Oh, and on the next challenge are we going to try my idea? Seemed quite a few were up for it. Have it two titles maybe that everyone must do?

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1326



As the newbie to this challenge I still don't know exactly what's going on. When do we find out the scores?

Just curious, not hassling, honest.

I've found it incredibly interesting so far. The scoring is such a clear indicator of how subjective writing/reading is - you can be top of someone's list and bottom of another's. Fascinating stuff.

Well, it is to me, but I might be a bit sad.



The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1327


Blimey, is that the time. SWorry guys, I was away for the weekend and working today...smiley - run

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1328


Blimey, is that the time? Sorry guys...even quicker without the typo. Well it was..smiley - run

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1329


Karjon, now I have finally got around to posting my scores, last, sorry guys, Havago will add them up and declare the winners.

The top scorer will set the titles for the next challenge.

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1330


Spidey: are we going to try my idea?

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1331


Sorry Enigmatic One. To go back to your idea....
A few people seem to like the recap....I think..winner sets four titles as usual..we all vote for one of them..we all do the one which comes out on us a chance to compare how we all treat the same title. Have I got it right Enig darlin?

What do we all think, this is a democratic thread so can you all buzz in with your opinions please.
I like the idea and agree it will be interesting to see how many angles on the one theme we can get.


The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1332


Yep, that's it, spidey.

I'll thrust my hand up in favour of it smiley - winkeye

Even if it only happens once, it'll be interesting.

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1333


I'll try anything once - more if I like it.
The only prob I can foresee (has that got an 'e' or not?) is that it'll probably take at least a week to vote on which one we're doing!


The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1334


Well this one took, what, three weeks?

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1335


Fair comment - I'm up for it anyway.

smiley - biggrinlooby

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1336


I wasn't being a git by the way, just stating a fact smiley - ok

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1337


And the winners are.

First Asmallnumberofmonkeys 99
Second Karjon 96.5 and Lyndabk 96.5
Fourth Enigmatic1 95

smiley - bubbly Congratulations to you all. smiley - bubbly

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1338


Well done everyone! Especially monkey, who romped home to a convincing victory, and karjon and lynda, who beat me to second by 1.5 points (b****es).

smiley - cheerssmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - cheers

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1339


Thanks also to spidey and roger for another well-run challenge.

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1340


Well done Monkeys, Karjon, Lynda & Enig!
smiley - discosmiley - bubblysmiley - magicsmiley - giftsmiley - crackersmiley - alesmiley - stoutsmiley - redwinesmiley - discosmiley - starsmiley - alesmiley - discosmiley - bubblysmiley - strawberries
smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - giftsmiley - disco

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