This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1361


Okay, I think I've done it wrong too. With my favourite at number 4. it would be:

4. Tap at the Window
3. Static
2. The Edge
1. Silver Fins

So Silver Fins would be least favourite. Have I got it right this time?

Also, congratulations to Looby for getting into the GW Anthology.



The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1362


Has it been announced?

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1363


Never mind, I've looked.

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1364


I did mine backwards too then smiley - doh

4. Tap at the window
3. The edge
2. Static
1. Silver fins

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1365


I don't know if I did it right or not. In order of preference they are:

1 The edge
2 Static
3 Tap at the window
4 Silver fins

Good luck with sorting this one out Spidey.


The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1366


She'll just need to flip it around, kate.

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1367


Well yes smiley - biggrin

Actually I was thinking of all the entries posted twice. Looking at them I'm not at all clear which are people's preferred ones.

How can I find the anthology? I did a search but got individual stuff.

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1368


Go to the home page, Kate. It was the main story earlier, I assume it still is.


The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1369


She'll only have to ignore the first ones I (and others that posted twice) posted. Or she could just ask us all to post again smiley - erm

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1370


Thanks Karjon. So simple...

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1371


Yes, I am.


The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1372



The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1373


T'woo sixpence.

Sorry, that must be some sort of auto-suggestion thing from my days as a Brownie.


The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1374

the fat gardener

Dear Spiderbaby and everyone,

I know this thread is the most exciting place to be - but I won't have time to do anything over the next couple of weeks, so I'll have to sit this one out.

Fantastic titles, I guess you'll all be tapping at the window.

Congratulations again to the winners - especially SmallNumberofMonkeys! A creative and different read.

And congratulations to Looby for making the anthology!!

See you all in a few weeks - though I'll be sneaking back to read your fantastic stories!

smiley - biggrinsmiley - oksmiley - run....smiley - orangebutterfly

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1375


We'll miss you Fat Gardener. See you at the next one.

Right everyone - on behalf of spidey - have you all chosen your preferred title tey?????
If not - why not. No don't tell me.

I believe this is the correct method.

Your favorite 4
2nd 3
3rd 2
4th 1

loobysmiley - biggrin

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1376


I think I’ve got them the right way around.

4 Static
3 Tap at the window
2 The edge
1 Silver fins

Roger smiley - silly

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1377


4 The edge
3 Static
2 Silver fins
1 Tap at the window

hello darlinks, tink this is rite, of passage, or maybe, just a corridor.

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1378

the fat gardener

Good evening Almighties,

Just dropped in to wish Serin a Happy Birthday! 26th November...

All of ussmiley - smileysmiley - rocketround the smiley - earth to smiley - dog to smiley - musicalnotesmiley - biggrinBirthday, with smiley - giftsmiley - gift,smiley - bubblyand smiley - strawberries, then smiley - divasmiley - discotill dawn!

smiley - run

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1379


Yeah, you smiley - starParty On! smiley - star, dear friend!

Have a wicked Birthday! smiley - wow

smiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - stoutsmiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - kisssmiley - drunk

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1380


smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco
smiley - rose

Gonna trawl through the posts and try to work out which title is getting top billing this morning.
OOOOOOOwwwww, I have a is v. annoying. When I was about foureen I was waiting for a bus to go home from my dancing lesson. I was talking to an old lady and we were discussing chilblains. Just as the bus arrived and we both stepped on she turned to me and said
"Best cure for chilblains lovey is to stick yer feet in the po'" I had to sit on the bus in curliing embarrasment.


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