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The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1421

the fat gardener

Thanks Jen, Wild Northern Bird! smiley - ok I'm sure no-one could call you lazy.

If it's ok I'll go and write one while I clean out the rabbits.

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1422


Here is my offering for the 100 words 60 word challenge.


Roger smiley - silly

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1423


Sure FG. Glad to have you aboard.

We have to soldier on in the face of adversity
and not let the recent news get us down.

When my twins were eight they were at the village primary school. The school had gone from nearly seventy pupils a few years previously down to just twenty three children.
Kent county council decided to close the school, saying it was not viable, that children in such small numbers would not fare well when moving up to secondary school etc.

We campaigned hard and got the decision overturned. We did this partly by getting as many press articles as we could in the local and national papers showing our achievements and actually started to get enquiries from parents who lived in the surrounding towns. We even had a couple of spots on the tv, news and Blue Peter.

Suddenly the school became fashionable with kids being bussed out to the village instead of into town.

Fourteen years on and it's still thriving.

Almost all the kids who were in my twin's small class of around ten pupils left that school with bags of confidence and are all doing very well.

My point? The 'men in suits' do not always win.

Someone on one of the save GW threads mentioned getting the literary press onside. I think that's a great idea. I was browsing a local arts mag this morning and came across a reference to GW being a useful site. I will certainly be writing to them. Let's try and raise awareness of the situation in as many places as we can.


I'm still game for dressing up in costume and scaling a tall building in London a la Father's for justice!!!!!!!!

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1424


That would be as spider woman then. lol
smiley - run

Roger smiley - silly

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1425


Yeppers. Got my sewing machine out and bought the spidey tights already!!!! Just got to figure out how to shoot that spidey web string out of the end of my sleeves!

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1426


go for it. smiley - laugh

smiley - silly

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1427


Only if Enig dress as my trusty six legged side kick.....Ant Boy.


The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1428


Ant Boy, aye? Hmmm, I like it!

Who's that swinging on the vine?
Listen to the bad men whine.
Always there just in time:
Ant boy! Ant boy!

"Oh no, there's a leaf that needs carrying. Who could possibly be up to the task?"

*It's none other than Ant Boy(oy-oy)!*

"Well done, Ant Boy!"

"No worries, it's always been said I'm 'anty' to have around!"

*shared laughter - credits roll*

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1429

the fat gardener

Dear Spidey, thanks for letting me haveago.

Maybe for your Spider thread you could have a tube of squirty icing up your sleeve. You can get it in red and nice lime green.

Re not letting the threatened closure get you down - I bet everyone felt a bit stunned into creative innactivity at first - but then you regain your urge, and more so, with grit and determination.

smiley - oksmiley - runwork urrgg..

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1430


GW facing closure... a general feeling of malaise in the forum: this sounds like a job for Spider-Woman and her loyal sidekick, Ant-Boy(oy-oy!).

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1431


Scene: A secret cavern, down in the bowels of the earth somewhere in Tottenham Court Road. Life above, in the street, the shops and bars, goes on. The busy, bustling Christmas shoppers unaware that deep below their feet a plan to save the world is being finalised. (Well, not quite the world, just a little corner of it called Get Writing.)

SPIDEY: "Oh, flamin 'eck Antboy, how many times do I have to tell you? One sugar in coffee, none in tea and have you fixed the tyre on the Spideybike yet?
What? You can't find the bicycle pump!

(Spideywoman stomps over to workbench and begins to rummage, throwing items behind her as she searches for the pump)

ANTBOY: "I've already looked on there SW. Anyway you had it last. Remember, last week when you gave Wolfman a backie when he was trying to catch up with the evil Dr.Blatherhead."

(Antboy ducks as the cycle pump, thrown with the precision of Gung Ho master flies towards his head)

ANTBOY: "Look, just because you're hormonal this week it's no excuse to take it out on me. Aren't I your faithful sidekick? Always just around the corner to help you out of sticky situations? Ok, so I forget the sugar and make a mess with my leaf clippings and I know formaldahide isn't your favourite smell. I did buy some patchouli incense sticks last week....

SPIDEY: Just sort out the bike and stop waffling Ant. Now I've got a headache. I'm going up top for some paracetamol. Tidy up while I'm gone. When I get back you can give me a neck rub and then we'll get on with planning our first publicity campaign for GW."

(Spidey exits in the turbo lift and Antboy half heartedly shifts piles of junk around the Spidey cave humming as he works)

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1432


Okay, now I can't get Ant Music out of my head.

Ant mus-i-i-c, dum, dum, ant mus-i-i-c, dum, dum...



The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1433

the fat gardener

"Stand and deliver...your money or your life."

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1434


Oh, no! Now it's the dandy highwayman in my head.


The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1435


smiley - thief

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1436


And now there are visuals - no sleep tonight.

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1437


Spider-Woman smiley - diva

Ant-Boy smiley - thief

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1438


Prince Charming no doubt!smiley - erm

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1439

the fat gardener

I thought he seemed more like an 'anti'-hero.

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1440


But surely he is family - the wild nobility.

(I think I got that right).

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