This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1481


Spidey - don't stress out about the challenge or xmas shopping - and get those chest pains checked.
Do as you're told now or we'll all be round to sort you out.

smiley - panda
smiley - smiley

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1482


Karjon A3381897
Enigmatic1 A3387729
ASmallNumberOfMonkeys A3387125
Weaver A3385785
Serindippidydog A3385578
Roy A3384443
Haveago A3368702
Lyndabk A3364382
MRSLooRoll A3363518
The Fat Gardener A3391995
PenJen A3394776
Lurch A3397052

I know I wasn't invitedsmiley - biggrin - but I gatecrashed and here's my cheery festive number.smiley - sadface

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1483

the fat gardener

Hi Lurch,

Glad you arrived.

smiley - porkpiesmiley - stout

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1484


That's a bit cheeky, inviting yourself in smiley - thief

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1485

the fat gardener

Well actually, Serin and I did mention the party to him.

smiley - redwine

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1486


A bouncer would say: "if you're not on the list, you're not entering!" smiley - biggrin

smiley - thief

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1487


Aaw, Lurch can have my place.
Am going to Docs on Mond Looby.

Will read and comment on stories tomorrow.

Scores up on Monday if everyone else is ready?

Out of ten as usual. Copy and paste list Lurch, add scores out of ten for all stories (cept your own) and copy and past list back into thread.


The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1488


I dunno, bloody part-timers...

smiley - biggrin

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1489


smiley - loveblush

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1490


smiley - hug

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1491


I have been over in H2G2 rummaging about and trying to see if it's a place I can be at home in.

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1492


What are your thoughts so far?

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1493

the fat gardener

Oooh Spidey,

wherever you go can we all come with you?

smiley - cheerup

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1494


It's a bit confusing but I dare say I'll make myway around eventually. There seem to be some very strange articles and discussions there.

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1495


When Emily (the editor) announced the news regarding the GW site recieving no fresh content from the beeb. I think Perry and I were the first to reply to her message (which seems to have been replaced) and I specifically asked her about H2G2. I asked wether that site would be remaining. I don't recall getting a reply and cannot find the whole area in which Perry's and my questions were asked. I know it was in Community News. But I would hate for us all to jump into a leaky lifeboat!smiley - ermsmiley - ok

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1496


When are we marking the stories?

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1497



The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1498


Ah, yes. It says up there...


The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1499


OK, Im online now and could do mine, but if you prefer I will do them tomorrow

by the way, take care of yourself spidey, and don't stress.smiley - cheers

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1500


Well it is Monday now!!! Just off to beddy byes in my pink and white jamas.
spideysmiley - smooch all.

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