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The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1521


smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco

Have just looked in before going to work and see the last two sets of scores are in. So here are the final scores for the 100 words 60 word story challenge. Well done to everyone. I could be wrong but I think this is the smallest gap between the bottom score and the top score so far.

Karjon A3381897 – 91
Enigmatic1 A3387729 - 82
ASmallNumberOfMonkeys A3387125 - 93
Weaver A3385785 – 86.5
Serindippidydog A3385578 – 82.5
Roy A3384443 – 81.5
Haveago A3368702 – 79.5
Lyndabk A3364382 – 85.5
MRSLooRoll A3363518 – 86.5
The Fat Gardener A3391995 - 92
PenJen A3394776 – 91
Lurch A3397052 – 75

1st AsmallNumberOfMonkeys – 93 smiley - bubbly
2nd The Fat Gardener – 92 smiley - bubbly
3rd Karjon – 91 smiley - bubbly
and PenJen – 91 smiley - bubbly

You can see from the scores that it was very close between the top four. They are all worthy winners.

smiley - bubbly Congratulations to AsmallNumberOfMonkeys, The Fat Gardener, Karjon and PenJen. smiley - bubbly

Roger smiley - silly

smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1522


Well done all four, and in fact everyone, and congrats Mark for winning a very close contest.smiley - cheerssmiley - bubblysmiley - magic and smiley - teafor me.smiley - smiley

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1523


smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discoWell done Mark, Fats, Karjon & Penjen. smiley - disco
A close fought one and very high standard of entries.

smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco

looby smiley - biggrinsmiley - oksmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1524


Well done to the top 4. smiley - ok

Man, I did pitifully lol...

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1525


Well done, folks!

D'you think we'll get another in before the New Year?

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1526


I think we're having a break now until new year Weaver.

smiley - smiley

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1527


Well done all of you - I thought they were great.

Geez, I was last! smiley - wah The only way is up!smiley - ok

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1528


Well done Lurch - after all, you came in at the last minute. A worthy try and yes, next time....up, up and awaaaaay!!!!!!

loobysmiley - biggrin

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1529


AsmallNumberOfMonkeys – 93
The Fat Gardener – 92
Karjon – 91
PenJen – 91

smiley - disco and smiley - cheesecake andsmiley - bubbly
for the winners. Well Done. A close contest indeed. All the stories were great.

Who wants one to work on one over the hols?
Deadline 9th Jan.


The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1530


Well done Mark, Fats, Karjon and Jen smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Fantastic standard all roundsmiley - cheers

Lurch, you will do better next timesmiley - ok

Sign me up Spidey, I am officially addicted

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1531


I'm in. Maybe the festivities will inspire me - smiley - laugh but don't make it a christamassy title - please!smiley - sadface

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1532


'The day I met Slanty Jaws'smiley - laugh

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1533


Hey Roy, whats wrong with Christamass?

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1534

the fat gardener

Congratulations SmallNumberofMonkeys! A very beautifully written story.
smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Congratulations too Karjon and PenJen - Wordsmith and Prose Poetess.
smiley - redwinesmiley - redwinesmiley - stout

Brilliant other entries too!

See you for the next one after Christmas then.

smiley - hollysmiley - musicalnotesmiley - titsmiley - jestersmiley - xmastree

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1535


I'll be up for a holiday one, so long as the title isn't seasonal and we're sticking with the 100

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1536


Lynda - nothing wrong with it, it's just a bit restrictive maybe if we all try to write to the same christmassy title. On the other hand, since I've just had an idea - can we make it a christmassy one please?smiley - biggrin

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1537


How did you do that without your wee man sticking up?

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1538


Ah there it is now, smiley - laugh and Roy, I was taking the p***smiley - ok

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1539

the fat gardener

Is anyone doing an entry for the GW Chiller Anthology - "A passion for the Art of taxidermy"? Deadline 7th January.

Not sure I could come up with anything interesting for it though. I'm not in a gruesome frame of mind at the moment - but maybe I will be after the hordes of inlaws descend for a few days.

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1540


I could possibly do it if it was a 100worder, but the title dosen't inspire me at the mo

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