Mah Fellow Scwibblers,

It has now come to past that I am a fully pledged non Student....... (Graduation soon yippee!) Summer is here in the land down under, where women blow and men chunder...... (Bloody poetic land this!)

As an expat Brit, really appreciate being able to tap into the world community through this site...

Now study is over will be stringin up the Hammock, listening to the radio (ABC of course!)...Gin and Tonic in mah paw and hoping the muse is plyin some inspiration.......

Will also endeavour to be more pro-active, (don't yah just love corporate drivel terminology!!) reading and recording my personal observations on the abundant great works on this site...

Big Thank You in advance, for all the good reads I am anticipating experiencing, amongst the great laughs and life adventures on the threads..... Read you soon, all the very best for the Christmas Season, and New Year, Serin

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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