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The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1341


smiley - bubbly congrats to Monkey and everyone else. The standards are def going up and up! smiley - cheers All aboard for the next....

loobysmiley - cheerup(it's not 'cheer up' - it's a bouquet for the winners. smiley - cakesmiley - magic

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1342


That smiley definitely needs renaming! So sweet, so useful and so definitely not 'cheer up'.

(I've been wanting to say that for a while.)

smiley - cheerupsmiley - cheerupsmiley - cheerupsmiley - cheerup

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1343


smiley - star Again many congratulations to Mark, Karjon, Lynda and Enig!! Well done!! smiley - bubbly

Roll on the next one! smiley - somersault

Jen smiley - magic

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1344


Well Mark. Get your thinking cap on. Four titles please.

When they are posted I want everyone to vote for their choices in descending order, out of four


Title three 4
Title one 3
Title four 2
Title two 1

If we come up with a unanimous decision then that is the title we will all write.

If it is a tie then I will cast a decidng vote.


The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1345


Just penned this, tell me what you think.

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1346


Thanks all for the great scores and congratulationssmiley - cheers. Also congratulations to Karjon, Lynda and Enigmatic1. These were a really good selection of stories that were great fun to read.smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - planetsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - crescentmoonsmiley - discosmiley - disco

The new ideas sound interesting and I’m certainly up for it. I have some new titles here.

The edge
Silver fins
Tap at the window

smiley - ok

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1347


Great titles, Mark. smiley - cheers

Right. my choice, in order of preference:

(1) Silver fins
(2) Tap at the window
(3) The edge
(4) Static

Jen smiley - magic

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1348


Shoot Spidey, I did it in reverse, but you get the drift. Opps....smiley - cheerup

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1349


I'd say:

4. Silver fins
3. The edge
2. Static
1. Tap at the window



The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1350


My choice (if I should be allowed?smiley - smiley)

(4) Static
(3) Tap at the window
(2) Silver fins
(1) The edge


The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1351


The edge 4
Tap at the window 3
Static 2
Silver fins 1

One hundred words this time?


The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1352


AAAAAAAAAAArrrrgh. Just noticed the time! I have been sitting here since about nine thirty this morning. Still in Pjs. Not good, not good smiley - spider mutters and decides that it is time to click disconnect and go do something housewifely, like wash the kitchen walls down, peg laudry out, hoover, washup, plan dinner, do ironing, check on sick Rohan (daughter) and maybe venture into town for some shopping and a Mocha at the Moonlight Cafe.

See ya's all later guys.


The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1353


I am a small swamp - I've just got in after being caught in a sleety blizzard and now the sun's shining. It must have come out the moment I got in the building. Gurr.

Anyway - my preferences are:

4 Silver fins
3 Tap at the window
2 Static
1 The edge

Amazing how awkward it is to do the list backwards. My brain keeps twitching.


The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1354


4. Silver fins
3. Static
2. Tap at the window
1. The edge

I suppose the easiest way would be to add up the points (according to their assigned number in rank) and the lowest scoring story is the one we'll do (cos it'll have the most favourable votes).

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1355


I keep getting d/c today smiley - wah stupid computer.. anyway hopefully get this posted before it happens again. smiley - biggrin

4. Silver fins
3. Static
2. The edge
1. Tap at the window

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1356


The Edge 4
Tap at the Window 3
Silver Fins 2
Static 1

I've only glanced at this but I've put my favoured one first (4 points) is that right?
Dher!! been a long day.

loobysmiley - erm

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1357


4 Tap at the window
3 Static
2 Silver Fins
1 The Edge

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1358


I thought it was in position of faves. So 1 would be the best? If not then I've knackered my list.

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1359


So which of yours was your favourite Enig? I'm sure Spidey can work it out from there...smiley - smiley

The almighty and original 60 word challenge

Post 1360


No worries, I just didn't read spidey's post properly. I assumed it'd be first place, second place etc. As it isn't, IGNORE my last couple of posts.

Here is my revised list.

4. Tap at the window
3. The edge
2. Static
1. Silver Fins

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