This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1221


I'd like to join please smiley - smiley

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1222


I'm in

loobysmiley - biggrin

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1223

the fat gardener

Enigmatic my lovely, what does Hmmm mean?

Have I put my wellies in it?

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1224


smiley - bubblyCongratulations to fatgardener, weaver, MRSLooRoll and Penjen. smiley - bubblyWell organised spidey. smiley - hug Count me in for the next one please. smiley - smiley

ago smiley - silly

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1225


I'd like to have another go please.

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1226

the fat gardener

And me too please.

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1227


Nothing to do with you, Fats, and well done for winning smiley - winkeye

I just find it curious how I have pointed out Weaver was in error, corrected him (thus making me fourth and not him), and yet he is still getting congratulated. It's very odd but never mind.

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1228


Well, I do have to agree with you, enig. It can't be a fair contest if the judges are playing by different rules.

Scores should have been ot of 10, not 5.

Spidey: you deserve a medal...I've just split the scors in to the two criteria, its taken me most of the afternoon, and i've just checked them and found that i've made a huge mistake. I've got to go do it all again now, as I dont know at which point I went wrongsmiley - wah

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1229


What can I say Enig? I was trying to collate all this stuff very late last night. I had just presumed that Weaver had decided to give everyone lower scores than the others. It did not occur to me that he was marking out of fives. I'm sorry if you feel cheated out of a placing. Weaver marked everyone with the same method however so I don't see that raking it all over the coals is going to be constructive. Also I can't quite see how you could work out a rescore by presuming what Weaver would have scored at if he'd done it the same way as everyone else, me not being of sound mathematical mind.

With hindsight maybe I should have checked with Weaver about what he was doing. Sorry if it has caused you to get upset.

Let's put this one to bed now and get on with the next one.


Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1230


So far I count


Have I missed anyone?


Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1231


I wasn't bothered about that. I was more bothered that people were seemingly ignoring the error and my message pointing it out.

Because he scored them out of 5. They were meant to be scored out of 10. Logically you double the score, making it then a score out of 10. His scores may have varied slightly but I think you'll find it was a logical solution.

It didn't, as I have explained above.

It's over with.

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1232


smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug
smiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - smoochsmiley - smooch

smiley - winkeye
smiley - spider

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1233


Please count me in for the next one, spidey!

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1234


And me smiley - monster

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1235


Great stories boys.smiley - ok

Now where is FG with those titles.smiley - smiley

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1236




Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1237


smiley - magicsmiley - bubblyCongratilation Fats!!smiley - bubblysmiley - magic
Thank-God you found your wee prize piece in Austen's book after that day picking magic mushrooms in the woods. Well done!!

smiley - starAlso well done Looby & Weaver/Enig!!smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye

smiley - starCount me in for the next one. BTW, I kind of liked the anonymity of this last one but reckon the former way was much more fun!

Jen smiley - biggrin

PS: How's your 'asterixes' Eniggy after last night, eh?! smiley - nahnah

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1238


They are ******* good.

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1239


Remember you're on top of me (in the 60 word challenge list). Down Boy! smiley - tongueout..........smiley - run

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1240


I'll perpetuate my Essex origins and declare: you luv it!

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