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Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1181


Hi Lynda

Which "you" is that? Me or Jazzy? Lol!

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1182


sorry, I meant Jazzsmiley - winkeye

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1183


Well, it wont be long now, and well all be put out of our misery.

Actually, I know I'm going to get a slating, I did a stupid thing...E-mailed spidey the wrong version of my storysmiley - doh

It was only after pressing 'send' that Jazzy realized what she had done....smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1184


In fact, it wasn't even after I pressed was when I saw it on screen here.

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1185


Me too Jazzy. It's like proofreading something on screen, then seeing it in print. I nearly always miss something on screen. I'm so annoyed - I was busy correcting everyone else's punctuation and then mine came up flashing its own howler in bright lights. Kate screamed...

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1186

the fat gardener

Morning Serin, down under, yes we should thank the lovely Spidey for working so hard and keeping us all in check. Perhaps 8 little eggcups full of foaming lavender scented hot water - as footbaths.

The sun is out in the hills! It's so beautiful - might have to go and plant a few bulbs or cycle into town.

Can't wait to guess who's who - more interested in that than the marks!

smiley - cheers Yes I'm having a lager at 11am.

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1187


good for you FG, wish I couldsmiley - cheers

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1188


smiley - erm

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1189


The builders opposite my window have beer and sausage for breakfast. Makes muesli look a bit dull.

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1190


Scores are up.

Who wants to guess which one is mine?

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1191


It's too late, the authors have already been posted

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1192



And I didn't get a mention even though I was a mere half a point behind Weaver. The shame!

I note the story about the period did well. Can't tell it's mostly women that enter this challenge, can you? smiley - laugh

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1193


Well did any of you get it right with your guesses?

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1194


Well well. I go off to bed and you all have a virtual love in.

We WILL NOT be doing the challenge like this again.

Nightmare with the formatting.
Got hub to check the scores so I hopefully no errors or suprises this time!!! Bet you will all be scrutinising your crits now!!!!!


Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1195


Weaver: curious scoring system you used smiley - erm

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1196


Hang on...

Weaver used the wrong scoring system and as a result he beat me by half a point. Travesty!

Oh well...

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1197


Enig, I got yours right...well it was one of the ones it could've been, I thought it may have been story 1 also.

So, Lynda, me and you joint lastsmiley - laugh

It would be interesting to split the result into theme and grammar scores. I know my grammar was c**p as I have aready explained.

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1198


You might have been second from last had Weaver been able to master a rudimentary scoring system smiley - laugh

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1199


If any of you want to split the scores and do a breakdown you can. I'm not doing brain hurts.!!!!!!smiley - laugh


Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1200


Hat's off and big congrats to fats!!!!
A deserving winner that was original, colourful and extremely well written.

Have a drink on me sirsmiley - cheers

Well done Weaver and penjen.

And BIG thanks to poor spidey for all that work!
No wonder it's back to old way lol!!!

loobysmiley - biggrin

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