This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

Spidey's hippy

Post 1121


I can't take it, I can't take it anymore I tell you smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

Spidey's hippy

Post 1122


Niggly smiley - laugh

Spidey's hippy

Post 1123


..and jigglysmiley - laugh

Spidey's hippy

Post 1124


I didn't say anything about being jigglysmiley - laugh

(Glad to see your wails have turned to laughter Lynda!smiley - winkeye)

Spidey's hippy

Post 1125

lyndabk wigglysmiley - laugh

btw, nothing rhymes with orange apparently, could you get away with blancmange?

Spidey's hippy

Post 1126


Not unless you pronounce it "blamorringe" smiley - erm

Spidey's hippy

Post 1127



Anyway, did you guess any of the authors, I thought I had about four of them, but now I'm not so sure

Spidey's hippy

Post 1128


Well - I sent my score sheet 2 days ago - or so I thought. Apparently it didn't get there. I've been having trouble with sending mail lately but think (&hope) they got through to spidey by now. Have asked her if she got them but she's disappeared. (maybe she totting up!)
Anyway - let's hope all ok now - fingers x'd.

loobysmiley - magic

Spidey's hippy

Post 1129


OK, OK I ADMIT IT! smiley - loveblush

It was me who was the last to post scores and not you, dear Looby. smiley - wah

(I always have trouble sending males away lately too... How DO you handle it? smiley - run)

But rest assured, I remembered which one I'd written and didn't mark it! I think I know who f of the stories belonged to... smiley - whistlesmiley - winkeye

Spidey's hippy

Post 1130


Thee 'f' meaning four, five, fourteen, forty... bah, blah... smiley - ale

Spidey's hippy

Post 1131


Ooh...Isn't it excitingsmiley - magic

Spidey's hippy

Post 1132


Whoooooooooo! Will John's secret be revealed? Whose wings will have been clipped? Who'll be nothing more than a silhouette? Who will have been left in the tunnel? Bring it on! smiley - yikessmiley - bubbly

Spidey's hippy

Post 1133


Ere girls and boyz bit of premature challenge ejaculation goin on me thingssmiley - biggrin

All the stiff oppositionsmiley - laugh

Pen jen don't lead a pup astray with the puns smiley - biggrin

Spidey's hippy

Post 1134


And what 'things' are you propositioning dear pup?!smiley - laughsmiley - winkeyesmiley - tongueout

Spidey's hippy

Post 1135


I wonder how many of you will get mine.

Spidey's hippy

Post 1136


Your what enig......?

smiley - winkeye

Spidey's hippy

Post 1137


How many do you have, big boy? smiley - laugh

Spidey's hippy

Post 1138


Well I'll share if you will......

smiley - biggrin

Spidey's hippy

Post 1139


Cheeky madams.

And I have several smiley - winkeye

Spidey's hippy

Post 1140


Several what? Me an smiley - angel

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