This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby


Post 1061


Ok Naethyme. Next time!!

Just waiting for Roy to post me a message so I have a thread for the pots.


Post 1062


Right you lot. the

Entries for 60 Word challenge 31st Oct.

thread is open for business.

Get reading and scoring. Don't forget, copy and post your score/crit sheet to me. Title e mail so I know it's you.

Good luck everyone.



Post 1063


I have just now read all the stories in this challenge, and all I can say is WOW! the standard is excellent!

Well done to everyone, this is going to be so difficult

Can't help guessing who's who, think I can identify three voices, all in all great funsmiley - ok


Post 1064


I agree the standard is extremely good. Scoring has been the hardest task yet!

smiley - magicBK

Ooooh! Yessss!

Post 1065

the fat gardener

I agree, but I think last time there were some brilliant ones as well.

I feel I'm learning a lot by doing a challenge alongside really good writers. Learning by example and from the feedback.

I think I've identified at least 4 authors - looking forward to guessing.

smiley - cheers

Ooooh! Yessss!

Post 1066


I think the stories are generally good but no better than previous efforts.

Ooooh! Yessss!

Post 1067


Didn't think much of yours Enigsmiley - laugh

Ooooh! Yessss!

Post 1068


If you know which one it is smiley - erm

Ooooh! Yessss!

Post 1069


I'm only joking honey, but it's fun guessingsmiley - laugh

Ooooh! Yessss!

Post 1070


I know, woman.

Ooooh! Yessss!

Post 1071


Six e mail scores so far.

Ooooh! Yessss!

Post 1072


Hmmm....its not as easy to guess the author as you think is it. I Can't wait for the big reveal.

Scoring isn't going to be easy though. They are all good.smiley - smiley

Ooooh! Yessss!

Post 1073


Hi spidey
My scores are ready to send to you but I can’t get into Yahoo at the moment. We try again in the morning.

smiley - silly

Do Spiders have toes???

Post 1074


No mind altering substances have past my lips (or anywhere else) Spidey..but I just had a mental picture of a certain Spider taken off her shoes and socks and counting her toes to calculate the results of the challenge...gawd what was in those cookies..I just ate...smiley - erm

Do Spiders have toes???

Post 1075


Don't want to rush you guys but I had thirteen entries and so far only seven score/crit e mails.

Can we try and get this one done and dusted by friday so that we can decide how we want to proceed with the next one.

As regards the next one. I think that the interest waned a little with this method. It seems to me that though some of you like the idea of the anonymous posting, a lot more probably prefer it the other way.

I don't mind the work involved in recieving and collating the entries and scores but I feel like a bit of a schoolmarm, constantly nagging people for their homework!!!!!

So, if it's ok with all of you I'd prefer to go back to doing it the original way, still having a choice of titles but limiting entrants and choosing one or maybe two titles each.

Feedback please if you want to continue or maybe it's time to give it a break after this one.


Do Spiders have toes???

Post 1076


A few of us have already said we think it should go back to the old way.

Do Spiders have toes???

Post 1077


I'd definitely like to continue, but despite the interest in guessing who has written what, I'd rather go back to the old system.

Do Spiders have toes???

Post 1078


Well - this is my view:
I think this has been a good experiment and something different for us to play about with. However, I don't think it has been enjoyed over all as much as the original way by most of us (I stand to be corrected if wrong)
Maybe it is something we could do every couple of months maybe?
I think we should go back to the old way - have a choice of two titles - and only pick one (limit of 20 peeps) This would make it easier to crit and score, and so that everyone knows where they stand, maybe make it one challenge per fortnight.
These are only suggestions.

loobysmiley - biggrin

PS Please don't make me stay behind class tonught for 100 lines 'mind your business'.
smiley - run

Do Spiders have toes???

Post 1079


Yes, the old way seemed to keep people's interest going. Or acted as a reminder.

Do Spiders have toes???

Post 1080



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