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Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1241

the fat gardener

Cheers lovely PenJen!smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly
Well done Looby, PenJen, Weaver and Enig!!smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale

Well I've been off cycling, dodging the fireworks, and tried to think of some titles, but it's a difficult just picking two.

Here they are:

Rage Against Time
Geriatric Star

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1242

the fat gardener

extra 'a' oops

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1243


Has spidey given a deadline for this one?

smiley - erm

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1244


How about Friday the nineteenth? I won't be here in the evenings for two weeks so I will have my PC time limited. I am helping out backstage at a local production of Annie.


Hey, hey. The gang's all here.

Any more joiners?


Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1245


Spidey are you trying to make up for not being able to enter the last one by entering twice this time. smiley - winkeye

smiley - silly

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1246

the fat gardener

Dear Spidey,

I've posted an entry under List for 60 Word Challenge 19th NOV 04, in your messages, hope this is ok.

Sorry, thought it was October for a while, but you could remove that one.

Yours with no head...FG

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1247


Congrats to Fats Looby and PenJensmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly, and thanks Spidey for all the hard work for the last onesmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly. I saw the format difficulties in the last scores.

I did enjoy the anonymous posting and scoring; it’s much more up front without the opportunity to make corrections based on crits.

If there’s still a space available may I join in on this one?
smiley - cheers

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1248

the fat gardener

Morning Monkeys! Cheers yourselfsmiley - bubblysmiley - cheers

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1249


Morning all

FG, stop chatting and get back to work, you do have a deadline remembersmiley - laugh

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1250


Can we do both titles? I'm getting lost with all these rule changes.smiley - laugh

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1251


May I try again, is there only two titles? What was the reason for that change? Just a curious pup, me thinks that variety is the spice of me mum was a Heinze57smiley - biggrin

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1252


We are only allowed to do one title this time.

loobysmiley - biggrin

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1253


Hey Funky Lou Rolls were you respoding to me? I was enquiring why there was only two titles to choose from...I only want to do one of them..but I thought 4 was just the right amount for diversity! smiley - dogsmiley - okSerin

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1254


Hi serin - naethyme asked earlier whether we could do two titles. As for the choice of two - well I don't know why......
(walks off shaking head)

loobysmiley - cheerup

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1255


The Beeb's budget must have hit the challenge Louiesmiley - laugh

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1256


Actually I don't know why I changed it to two really. A whim, I am allowed whims aren't I?
Anyhoo, If FG would like to come up with another couple of titles and post the four in one lump I have no objections. You all seem to like the variety of choice.
Thanks for posting the thread FG. It's useful to have each challenge on a new one.

Asmallnumberof monkeys

spidey(only one of me, I am unique)

smiley - laugh

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1257


Thanks Looby & spidey. I'll give them both a bash and see which comes off best. smiley - smiley

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1258

the fat gardener

Oooh now Spidey says we can have 4 titles, I've quickly come up with another 2, so they now are:

Rage Against Time
Geriatric Star
What a Cracker!
Crystal Ball

Feet Massage for Ms Hairy Legs

Post 1259


's okay, I still think I'd've picked Geriatric Star.

10 Word Challenge - punchline practice

Post 1260

the fat gardener

Dear Serin, in answer to you earlier, Spidey asked for us to pick just one title, to make voting easier I think. Originally I was asked for just 2 titles, but now it's 4 again- hope they're ok.

I was wondering if anyone got bored, we could have a fun 10 Word Challenge - using any of the previous titles from any 60 Word Challenges.

Mine would be:

Enthusing about supernovas, Patrick Moore was a geriatric star himself.

smiley - erm

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