This is the Message Centre for THE SCOOBIES (Giles) "Could it possibly get uglier, I used to be a highly respected watcher, now I'm a wounded dwarf with the my

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 181

meMoRial AveRsioN

"what how can i calm down *Piper blows up a chair by acedent* my son is missing!"

(its ok)

Piper xx

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 182

TEAM ANGEL (Lorne)(sing so i can read u)

gwen says hi but she's loged off

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 183

meMoRial AveRsioN


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 184

TEAM ANGEL (Lorne)(sing so i can read u)


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 185

TEAM ANGEL (Lorne)(sing so i can read u)

smiley - laughhi

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 186

meMoRial AveRsioN


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 187

Eternal Angel

hey cordy

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 188

meMoRial AveRsioN

hey guys, dnt mean to be rude but this is a roleplay, if u wana join thats great

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 189

Dragon Lord back with avengence

*looks at the chair and thinks she could do that to him* hunni ill try and sence him, ok just calm down *orbs out*

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 190

meMoRial AveRsioN

Piper goes and sits down on another chair and puts her head in her hands

Piper x

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 191

Dragon Lord back with avengence

*LEO orbs in* Hunni i cant find him, well i cant sense him anyway, ive spoke with the Elders and they said not to worry. I think its best if we just stay put at the moment hunni.

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 192

meMoRial AveRsioN

Piper just carrys on sitting down wih her head in her hands and doesnt say anything

~Piper~ x

Charmed (Role Play) CAN I JOIN??

Post 193


can i join in i will be anyone do you have any female places left???????????????????????

xxxsmiley - biggrinsmiley - smooch

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 194

meMoRial AveRsioN

what happened?

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 195


can i join a female part

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 196

meMoRial AveRsioN

yeh, ur messages keep getting hidden

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 197


i no??!! who can i be

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 198

meMoRial AveRsioN

y it gettin hidden

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 199


i have no ideasmiley - ermsmiley - ermsmiley - ermsmiley - erm

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 200

meMoRial AveRsioN


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