I assume I need no introduction....

Angel - the badge of Team Angel.

"Hummm... Welcome Back!"

"I said farewell to sun light, and set out to become what I became."

Right Introduction well I havn't got anything witty or interesting planed for my intro so i'll just have to make do with what comes into my head at this present time ("the first is always the hardest" eh?). First things first, this page has been needing an update for a while so why not update it now while i'v got some time on my hands.

A short summary about me.
Well I bet your all dying to know about me (*cough* *cough*) so here goes: my names Sheena and im a fairly average 14 year old kid... only more mature, so i'v been told. Things of interest to me, apart from watching the phenomenal Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, (of course no word would ever be able to do these shows justice) are Art, (especially sketching and design work) Literature, (yes I like to pick up and read a good book now and again!) Music, (am currently in the process of learning how to play the guitar, and can also play keyboard smiley - biggrin) and lastly Science (and no i'm not a "geek" for those of you who may be thinking that, as many of the people who know me will point out.)

I also have many other interests in my life including watching a good movie and listening to music, some of my favourite movies are "Pearl Harbour" "Underworld" "Interview with the Vampire" and "Queen of the Damned" musicwise i'll listen to anything that sounds good mainly rock and other associated genres. I wont go into to much detail because of those select few of you, who have taken the time to read my page (and for that I thank you) I don't want to put you guys through a "lecture".

My Friends here in the Buffyverse
This part of my page I would like to dedicate to a certain number of people who have made me feel welcome and right at home here at Talk Buffy/H2G2 over the years I have been a member. TEAM BUFFY (Buffy), TEAM BUFFY (Giles), TEAM ANGEL (Wesley), TEAM ANGEL (Harmony), TEAM ANGEL (Faith), TEAM ANGEL (Darla), Evil Erika, Xander and Anya and everybody else that I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to talk to, thank you all.

"Let us come together and let us talk together. Let us have each other in this century the way we never did in the past."

That Old Gang of Mine

  1. Buffy
  2. Giles
  3. Willow
  4. Amy
  5. Rhona
  6. Tara
  7. Kendra
  8. Cassie
  9. Anya
  10. Amanda
  11. Oz
  12. Dawn
  13. Veruca

  1. Angel
  2. Spike
  3. Faith
  4. Wesley
  5. Harmony
  6. Darla
  7. Lorne
  8. Nina
  9. Fred
  10. Illyria

The greatest group of people you will ever meet!

Awesome pages

The BtVS Admiration Society, Faithlicous's Faith Fan Club, SUNNYDALE HIGH PAGE, Scoobies/Team Angel Club Room, THE HELLMOUTH INN, ANGEL INVESTIGATIONS PAGE

Here End'eth the lesson

Oh listen to the... the children of the night! what sweet music they make. Well it's now late at night and i'm getting rather hungry (might go get a bite to eat in a minute) as I try to think of a memorable ending to my page, all I can think of at this moment is I bid you sweet dreams (good day if you happen to be reading this in the Harsh Light of Day) and happy holidays!

Good night sweet prince and may flights of devils sing you to your rest.


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