Welcome 2 Darla'z Page!

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Welomce 2 Darla'z Page Ave fun Peeps
welcome to My crypt everyone...have fun and grab a bite to eat when u leave come back soon (lol) Team Buffy and Angel Banner
Buffy and Angel framed in golden ivy. The banner for the Scoobies and Team Angel club
Team Angel badge
Angel - the badge of Team Angel.
Hey everyone, welcome to my new improved page well sorta lol I Have changed my Character 2 darla, just 2 let ya all no.....................hmmm what do i write now......so lolz anywayz cool banner things...thanks Stacey!! Ur da best hunny! chosen and souless

'Let me know if ya like my new page lol Please go down to my weblog entry thingy's and have a go at my quiz's while u are on my page Thanx what to write now???? I am Kayleigh, or BuffyBabe-Team Angel Darla.... Here is the team Angel Motto- 'We help the hopeless.' lol see bordem makes people do crazy things Ok they keep hidin my page so if it aint here next time then sozza my dears

I live in England, I have liked buffy ever since i watched the first ever episode, same with angel, all the cast are just brilliant for both shows, SMG is just wicked, and funny she made buffy,if anyone seen the old movie, SMG is well better to me (no offence 2 anyone who likes the old one), David Boreanaz just brings so much life to angel, i couldnt imagine anyone else bieng angel lol As well as buffy and angel i also like Charmed, Friends, the simpsons,my wife and kids and the fresh prince, ok cnt really think of what else, oh yeah, i also like Top of the pops, so i am a big music fan too, i like Evanescence,Eminem, Linkin park, Good Charlotte, Black eyed peas, Ozzy Osbourne, well loadsa others lol.
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A pink and gold dragon on an inkpot
Here is da rest ov our super Gang


A wizard

S7: Chosen, lessons,end of days, showtime,lies my parents told me, potential

S6: tabula rasa, once more with feeling, two to go, seeing red, Grave, as you were

S5: The Gift, Fool for love,forever,crush,tough love,Blood ties and Triangle

S4: Hush, Something Blue, This years girl, GoodBye Iowa, Who are You, Restless

S3: Graduation day P1+2, Amends, Faith,hope and Trick, the prom and earshot

S2: School Hard, Lie to me, whats my line P1+2,passion,innocence, i only have eyes for you, bewitched,bothered and bewildered,suprise and becoming P1+2

S1: Prophecy girl, Angel, The Harvest, Nightmares, Welcome to the Hellmouth.


S4: Long days Journey,Ground State, Orpheus, Salvage, Apocolypse nowish,Players,

S3: Lullaby, Offspring, That Vision thing, forgiving

S2: Darla, First Impression,untouched

S1: In the Dark, She ,Hero, I've got you under my skin,I fall to peices

'My fave characters out of buffy are: Buffy, Kennedy, Kendra, Faith, Tara, Willow, Amy, Xander, Spike, Angel, Darla, Drusilla, Jessie, All the Potentials, Andrew, The Master, Joyce, out of Angel: Gwen, Eve, Lilah, Lorne, Connor, Darla, Drusilla, Angel, Spike, Fred, Gunn, Wesley, Linsay, Doyle, i love all the characters really lol Here is a list of the actors and actress' i like, lol got bored Actors David boreanaz James Marsters Orlando Bloom Jonny Depp Nicolas Brendon Andy Halett, loads more lol now for the actress' Sarah Michelle Gellar Eliza Dushku ALyson Hannigan Alexa Davalos Emma Caulfield Julie Benz Lots More :)

Here is some of my Fave quotes

'Cordelia, I don't want to hurt you. Some of the time.' Xander Bad Eggs

'I don't care if it is an orgy of death, there's still such a thing as a napkin?' Willow Superstar

'That's not your world. You belong in the shadows... with me.' Spike Dead Things

'You know, polite people call before they jump out of the bushes and attack you.' Buffy Becoming Part 1

'Being the slayer made me different. But it's my fault I stayed that way. People are always trying to connect to me, and I just slip away.' Buffy Touched

'Why does everyone always yell my name.... I'm not deaf ....I can take a hint... whats the hint?' cordelia the dark age

'Actually, I do have a date. Older man. Very handsome. He likes it when I call him "Daddy".' Buffy Helpless

'Well, I'm a hair's breadth from investigating bunnies at the moment, so I'm open to anything.' Giles Once More, With Feeling

'Well, there are no boxes for'none of the above'. That would introduce too many variables into their mushroom head, number-crunching little world.' Xander What's My Line part I

'Generally speaking, when scary things get scared - not good.' Xander Dead Man's Party

'Okay, a scenario. You back off, I'll back off, but you promise not to go all wiggy until we can go to my Watcher and figure this out.' Buffy What's My Line part II

'A vampire in love with a Slayer! It's rather poetic! In a maudlin sort of way.' Giles Out of Mind, Out of Sight

'How can you tell me you understand what those vampires are feeling? You aren't a passion to them, you are a snack! A willing, idiotic snack.' Buffy Into the Woods

'I'm Buffy. The Vampire Slayer. And you are...?' Buffy Anne

'You've got Slayer problems. That's a bad piece of luck. Do you know what I find works real good with Slayers? Killing them.' Spike School Hard

Angel quotes

'Wow. Grovelling isnt just a way of life for you, its an art.' Cordelia She

I know, but it's just so much fun ruining his life. He's like family now.

'Its been a long time since I've opened a vein, but I'll do it if you pull any more of this Van Helsing jr. crap with me.' Angel Are You Now, Or Have You Ever Been

'Cause I'm dying dumbass' Faith Orpheus

'Then I’m whatever. Dust in the wind. Candle in the wind. There’ll be a general wind theme' Faith Orpheus

'Welcome to my world. It hurts, I know, but not for long. Birth is always painful.' Darla The Prodigal

'There was a time, in the early years, when you would have said I was the definition of bliss. Buffy wasn't happiness, she was just new.' Darla Dear Boy

'You see, no matter how good a boy you are, God doesn't want you. But I still do.' Darla Dear Boy

'We've drunk and killed for how long now? 140-odd years. We've drunk them all up and they're all dead.' Angel Five By Five

'Well, we stay in the best hotels, order room service, eat the waiters - people talk.' Darla The Trial

'So, what is the plan exactly? I tease him to death?' Darla Dear Boy

'I like the smell of a little money once in a while.' Cordelia War Zone

'His day is packed. Brood about Darla. Brood about Darla. Lunch, followed by a little Darla brooding.' Cordelia The Shroud of Rahmon

A bottle of Champagne popping
the hellmouth Inn ROOM
smiley - vampire
A graveyard
smiley - vampire
Burke and Hare robbing a coffin.
smiley - vampire
Glittery eyelid
SunnyDale High Room
smiley - bluebutterfly
A scroll
smiley - rose
Unicorns and a fairy tale
A meteor shower
here's some other cool links
Scary wolf




A witch


A man in a big coat singing


totally tru callingsmiley - bluebutterflyBuffy and Angel full infosmiley - vampireXxAngelxXBuffyXxCharmed Leave me a message when u visit my page Buffybabe-team angel Darla

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