This is the Message Centre for THE SCOOBIES (Giles) "Could it possibly get uglier, I used to be a highly respected watcher, now I'm a wounded dwarf with the my

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 161

Dragon Lord back with avengence

*Leo orbs in* hey phoebs you awake.

Hiya piper.

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 162

meMoRial AveRsioN

"hi hunni"


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 163

Dragon Lord back with avengence

(are ppl sstill playing this game lol)

*turns to piper*
Hunni, erm wheres Wyatt?????

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 164

meMoRial AveRsioN

"he's with you right? (start to panic) right?!!"


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 165

Eternal Angel

hey peeps i luv charmed 2

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 166

meMoRial AveRsioN


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 167

Eternal Angel


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 168

meMoRial AveRsioN


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 169

Eternal Angel

k lol

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 170

meMoRial AveRsioN

ermmm Gwen this is kinda a role play not a chat room but u can join the role play

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 171

Eternal Angel

yup but i cant think of a character 2 be
erm......... can u help

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 172

meMoRial AveRsioN

ermmm... Grams? u can come bc from the dead to help

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 173

Eternal Angel


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 174

meMoRial AveRsioN


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 175

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Piper hunni he was with you wasnt he?...(hey cords how it going?)

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 176

meMoRial AveRsioN

(hi, ok, u)

Piper: No.. i gave him to you to look after when we went down the source place to find Paige... who turns out isn't there...

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 177

Eternal Angel

yeah i suppose

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 178

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Gives Piper one of those looks.. are you sure? thenwhere ishe?

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 179

meMoRial AveRsioN

Piper: with you! i gave him to you then you orbed up there...

Piper xx

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 180

Dragon Lord back with avengence

OH well hes not there now hunni, lets calm down and try to find him.

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