This is the Message Centre for THE SCOOBIES (Giles) "Could it possibly get uglier, I used to be a highly respected watcher, now I'm a wounded dwarf with the my

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 221

meMoRial AveRsioN

ok lets carry on with the story?

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 222

Eternal Angel

yeah sure......... whats goin on in da story?

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 223

meMoRial AveRsioN


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 224

Eternal Angel

shud we start a new 1?

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 225

meMoRial AveRsioN

no, ermm... read bc

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 226


whats bcsmiley - erm

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 227

meMoRial AveRsioN


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 228


oh i say bk!!smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 229

meMoRial AveRsioN


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 230


kl du u wana get this started?smiley - biggrin
smiley - smooch

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 231

meMoRial AveRsioN

yeh, ermm... u can just do dat orby thing in or suttin

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 232


Wyatt's at p3!! i think he may be in trouble leo orb into see where he is i will follow!!: (That was MOM!)

(hey cordysmiley - biggrin)

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 233

meMoRial AveRsioN

(er we are already in P3, hey)

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 234

Eternal Angel

Can I join in?

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 235

meMoRial AveRsioN


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 236

Eternal Angel

Ok what do I say? Hmmm I am Grams? ok do u need her in this story?

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 237

meMoRial AveRsioN


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 238

Eternal Angel

Cool, whats goin on in da story then?

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 239

meMoRial AveRsioN

Wyatts gone missing, Leo is trying to find him, Pipers freaking out, Paige has gone missing, Pheobe is wrtting spells and Cole has gone sumwere

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 240

Eternal Angel

ok, should i try 2 find paige?

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