This is the Message Centre for THE SCOOBIES (Giles) "Could it possibly get uglier, I used to be a highly respected watcher, now I'm a wounded dwarf with the my

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 241

meMoRial AveRsioN

(well Buffy who plays paige isnt here so best leave it)

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 242

Eternal Angel

Ok , what ya want me 2 do?

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 243

meMoRial AveRsioN

try find Wyatt??

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 244

Eternal Angel

ok. well can i orb 2 places?

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 245

meMoRial AveRsioN


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 246

Eternal Angel

Hmmmmmmmm ok
grams goes 2 find wyatt

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 247

meMoRial AveRsioN

meanwhile at p3 piper is freaking out badly...

" i cant belive my son has gone missing"


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 248


Wyatt's outside in a lot of trouble!!

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 249

meMoRial AveRsioN

er ur posts hidden

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 250


i know sozsmiley - ermsmiley - biggrin

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 251

meMoRial AveRsioN

"what? why is Wyatt outside?!"

Piper runs outside and blows up the demons and gets Wyatt

"Oh my baby... Mom why are you here?"


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 252


"the elders informed me that he was in trouble i wasn't meant to say a thing"

"is he ok?"

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 253

meMoRial AveRsioN

"yeh he's fine... are you going to be staying?"


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 254


smiley - smiley"no i have to get back!!!"

"i may come and see you all later!!"

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 255

meMoRial AveRsioN

pesky moderating team! did u do something to annoy them?

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 256


that's it i don't know how can i find outsmiley - ermsmiley - biggrin

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 257

meMoRial AveRsioN

im not sure


"Oh... see ya later then." Piper hugs her mom


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 258


k thanxsmiley - smiley

"bye", mom teleports to the place she is going

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 259

meMoRial AveRsioN

Lokking at Wyatt.

"lets get u to bed then..."

Piper walks inside and lays Wyatt down in the play pen and then lays a blanket over him.


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 260

Eternal Angel

Grams comes back and asks if Wyatt has been found and if he is safe

Grams smiley - smiley

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