This is the Message Centre for THE SCOOBIES (Giles) "Could it possibly get uglier, I used to be a highly respected watcher, now I'm a wounded dwarf with the my

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 141

meMoRial AveRsioN

"ok Phebs, (to Wyatt) Weres Wyatt, there he is... weres Wyatt, there he is..."

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 142



Charmed (Role Play)

Post 143

meMoRial AveRsioN

"ok, lets have a look" Piper walks over to Pheobe

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 144


we'll need paige to do it

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 145


opps i mean we'll need paige 2 do it with us

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 146

meMoRial AveRsioN

"yeh well Paige is gone.."


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 147


yes but we can do it when we find her

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 148

meMoRial AveRsioN

"i'v tryed scrying but no luck, say what is that spell for anyway?"


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 149


to defeat whatever the demon is we just say what it is at the end

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 150

meMoRial AveRsioN

"great spell, can it find sisters? lol"


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 151


I'll start 1 now
*starts ritein again*


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 152

meMoRial AveRsioN

"something tells me she's ither in hell or in somewere magikly protected for scrying and Leo not to sence her"


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 153


*scribble scribble jot jot* Done


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 154

meMoRial AveRsioN

Piper picks up Wyatt then go's over to Pheobe. "lets read it... (reads it) it's good, hope it isnt a power of three spell..."


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 155


nah now that would b stupid

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 156

meMoRial AveRsioN

"oh yeh... ok so lets start a-reading" Piper and Pheobe read the spell but nothing happens "ok was something s'pose to happen.. cus i think something was s'pose to happen!"


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 157


*Gets Premination*

"shes in the sources chamber i kno how 2 get there"

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 158

meMoRial AveRsioN

"Wait what about Wyatt!"


Charmed (Role Play)

Post 159


(i g2g so like bi)

Fone that weird elf nanny 2 take care of him

Charmed (Role Play)

Post 160

meMoRial AveRsioN

"well im a little short on cash, i'll call Leo, LEO... LEO... LEO..."

Leo orbs down.

"Me and Pheobs are gona go down to the source's chamber to get Paige she's down there ok, i'll explain it all later ok, we have vanquishing spell if any demons come so we'll be ok, ok bye, bye Wyatt."

Piper and Pheobe say a spell and are transported down and Leo orbs back up with Wyatt...


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