Journal Entries

Rubber chicken

A Uni dinner tonight. A Caius-organised dinner, hence the sticky toffee pudding for aifters.

Susan is weak and exhausted after last week. One more C to go then a wee break then R. S is going to see True Grit tomorrow in the village hall. Mind you, True Grit should see S.

I have had a foul week. I have, it seems, Myasthenia Gravis and am being referred for a thymus scan. I have meds for the MG but they have side effects. Ochone.

Anyhow, dinner tonight, work work work tomorrow then a day with Susan, and a bundle of reading and marking.

I may go to the flicks tomorrow.

AU was on Watchdog last night. Boy! was it on Watchdog...


PS. Oh! at hospital today I found a copy of Keith Waterhouse Mrs Pooter's Diary for 25p. Pooter. Defining, one way or another, all H2G2 journal-keepers.

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Latest reply: Oct 24, 2014

Two Homes

S is at her late Mother's place and I am in the slum. I need to be near to work but S deserves the space and garden and ground floor amenity of the LM'sP. Anyhow, this arrangement has been going on since June/July with S only coming back post-Chemo. I dare say we are both ver' comfortable but...

S was supposed to be here this Wed-Fri but I came down with a stinker of a cold and S couldn't afford to run the risk of infection. The upshot is that I have slept 'til the back of 9 today and the preceding two days, which is good 'cos I generally have to rise at 6.30 to cope with workload.

In the flat on my own I can't be bothered with cooking so it's toast, yoghurt and bananas. Miah is a net loser on the two-homes thang as she only gets out when I am around.

2014-2015 is going to be a real drag of a year. It started badly and hasn't been improving.

The teeth may have settled down.

They eyes are still playing up.


S & I went to One Man Two Guvnors at HMT on Tuesday. Hercule Poirot Black Coffee is on next week but I will only go if I'm not cough cough coughing and if the infection risk is sub-sub-Clarrie (I always think of her now as Faecally-Fingered Clarrie).

Much work to do. Listening to R3. Reading Raymond Chandler and Dorothy Parker.


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Latest reply: Oct 19, 2014

Wet dull day

I had a wisdom tooth pulled on Tuesday which dealt with major aches but minor niggles have since started to appear.


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Latest reply: Oct 4, 2014


Chemo 4 went well and S - properly primed with anti-nausea and pumped full of steroids - was full of beans yesterday and this morning and was bouncing along in such Tigger-like fashion that she has set off her bad knees. Ochone. We had a beach walk this morning with a friend then coffee and cake. Last night we went to see In Order of Disappearance - jet black humour, Scandi noir. Actually ver' good but with a massive body-count - so much so that many do not get shown, merely being recorded by an RIP notice on the screen.

Listening to James McMillan. Teeth playing up.


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Latest reply: Sep 27, 2014

Better than expected

Well, the week turned out better than I had been expecting. I can now start reading the newspapers again.

S and I had a nice wee night away at Johnshaven in the Anchor Inn on Thursday. The food ther was excellent and Johnshaven itself a pretty wee fishing village - a nice place for a holiday.

S has chemo 4 this week. She is camping in her late mum's home - still subject to executry and with plans for a subdivision and new build in the backie. I am in the dingy flat and my work is in Aiberdeen, and tho' we will relocate next year it makes sense in the meantime for me to be close to the Uni.

Yesterday - Friday - was a lovely day, kicked off in Johnshaven and concluded at the Belmont Filmhouse where S and I watched the new Woody Allan flick, with Colin Firth and Ellen Atkins. A piece of fluff but fun enough. The week before we saw A Most Wanted Man, which was excellent.

I am in the summerhouse at the late MiL's and am taking a wee break from bashing out lecture PowerPoints - I formerly protested against PowerPoint, but, particularly given my mad workload, now appreciate them as a useful practical tool.

Roast chicken for tea then a Varg Veum to watch - a Scandi 'tec who hasn't made it over here to the - and I can now say it without qualification - UK.

There was, by the way, a nice chilled vibe to the city and shire yesterday.

S will probably be sick for a few days after chemo 4. I have been able to keep her company for the last few infusions but on Thursday coming have 5 classroom hours plus yadda yadda plus more yadda yadda.

I voted, BTW, on Thursday - my first time in years. Promises were made that must be kept...

Alistair Darling is an AU Law graduate.


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Latest reply: Sep 20, 2014

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