This is a Journal entry by DruglessBrain

Rubber chicken

Post 1


A Uni dinner tonight. A Caius-organised dinner, hence the sticky toffee pudding for aifters.

Susan is weak and exhausted after last week. One more C to go then a wee break then R. S is going to see True Grit tomorrow in the village hall. Mind you, True Grit should see S.

I have had a foul week. I have, it seems, Myasthenia Gravis and am being referred for a thymus scan. I have meds for the MG but they have side effects. Ochone.

Anyhow, dinner tonight, work work work tomorrow then a day with Susan, and a bundle of reading and marking.

I may go to the flicks tomorrow.

AU was on Watchdog last night. Boy! was it on Watchdog...


PS. Oh! at hospital today I found a copy of Keith Waterhouse Mrs Pooter's Diary for 25p. Pooter. Defining, one way or another, all H2G2 journal-keepers.

Rubber chicken

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Sorry to hear about your respective health problems. I trust that you both will be completely healed.

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