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Now I have all this time on my hands... Oh no, it turns out I haven't. Well, the world continues.

So, July red robes plus studio photo - my first since 1976, when I insisted on wearing a Brigadier Lethbidge-Stewart green army patchy jumper, and everone commented upon how much I looked like Prince Andrew (which was only right and proper because I considered my mother on equal terms with the Queen). I will try to get tickets so that da Bruv can come along, as well as me Mammy and Unty Mururiel. It'll be a fancy dinner and then a suite in some posh hotel for S and I. I will be buying the robes, from which point it will be the sloppery slope ... white tie ... black tie ... morning tails &c &c. I will have to join a club.

I took Saturday and Sunday off, after Friday's staff hooly (I remaned mostly sober). It was nice to have some time off but I can't let it become a habit.

hysgfvwe nsdg-9werqfg23=0 sd vmsnklksknvscndc vlv PhD

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Latest reply: Dec 16, 2013

Red robes and John Knox cap

Graduation next July.

A new hat for me mammy, and my auntie M will hopefully be able to come along too, plus S, of course.

Anyhow, a one-hour viva, the beginning of which was delayed a half-hour - to ratchet up the tension - on account of the connection to Stellenbosch falling over. One of my examiners came over from Belfast and the other was in SA. I had two of the 'deen Professors in the room to watch in silence.

Afterwards, lunch. Then - yesterday - staff holidays hooly.

ksdnvsdv ms cveruoinwkrel#q30jo

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Latest reply: Dec 14, 2013


I'm going to have to spend the next two-and-a-bit days bloody thinking.

Och, scunners!

SLmndsaocfhnwv sdn,amakghn sfbsdfkl

PS. I bump bump bumped a leather recliner up the stairs to the cubbyhole yesterday to give me a comfortable thesis-reading seat. The thing is arousing jealousy amongst the acads. It will have to get shifted out over the wintermas hols as even I consider it a step too far in cubbyhole enfurnishment terms. I mean, the plants and the tablecloth and the vintage radios and the CD deck and the stuffed cat and the toy robin and snake... the blankets, dressing gown, toothbrush, slippers, hot water bottle, cafeter, flowers, fez and stock of porridge ALL notwithstanding, a leather recliner is deffo pushing it.

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Latest reply: Dec 9, 2013

Spse it shd be rcrdd

The v is nw, on the Th actually smiley - wah

dvksfj;vnndkooibmf cvzm,kmetr0gj;[w

PS Tennant in Richard II at the local Picturehouse. Spenedid-o-roonie.

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Latest reply: Dec 4, 2013


It is 8.35am on 28 November 2013 and BBC Radio 3 are playing Walk on the Wild Side.


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Latest reply: Oct 28, 2013

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