Journal Entries
This is a snatched moment...
Posted Sep 17, 2013
Advising for 2013-2014 kicks off next week.
S and I went to see a screening of the Globe Theatre Twelfth Night at the flicks last night and t'was splendid. The Mark Rylance one, with an all-male cast. It was a treat to watch. A man playing a woman pretending to be a man...
Anyhow, busy busy busy... Thesis goes in next week and talk and chalk begins the Monday after.
Chilli for tea.
jnsdfksi#jgnm gk#pt39ptnjhd f6'rpbyhrjt m,koy
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Latest reply: Sep 17, 2013
Posted Aug 28, 2013
The thesis goes in on 30/9. I will have two external examiners plus an internal moderator and the viva will be in December. I have been correcting and dealing with comments from my first and second supervisors. I have also been wrestling with English land law plus some audit work which has taken me to Dundee and will take me to Thurso. Dundee Botanic Gardens are ver' nice - I prefer them to the botanics her at AU, but the Winter Gardens at Duthie Park still come out tops. I saw Elysium last Friday and thought it ver' good.
Actually, the Dundee University quarter is rather attractive and full of intersting Victorian buildings.
I have bought a 1970s Roberts Radio off e-bay. A proper radio. Not one of these piddly DABs - something that gives me depth to the sound and which has a knob for tuning. Say NO to Digital! Keep FM!!
Let's see. I have been reading Nicholas Nickleby and - in parallel - watching the early-1980s RSC adaptation, which is on YouTube, with Roger Reese and David Wossname as Nicholas and Smike respectively. That was a magnificent adaptation - the magic of theatre &c &c.
Anyhow, must dash. Back to the nit-picking...
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Latest reply: Aug 28, 2013
Mucho excitement
Posted Jul 30, 2013
I'm on the list for eye surgery some time ion the coming 12 weeks, and will have to try to avoid seeing Andalusian dogs until it's all over.
We put in an offer on a house yesterday but didn't get it.
We have embarked upon a serious programme of clear it out and do it up in re the present abode.
Susan's knee of doesn't seem to have garnered any great benefit.
The thesis is with supervisors 1 & 2. The intention to submit gets done tomorrow.
Bedroom painted.
The mad heatwave is over - it is still nice but there is rain and when there isn't there is clammy.
Last summer in the cubbyhole I was working on a book, and just kept on at it. This summer has been bitty and I have been worn down by a year of pretty determined slog.
A butterfly got into the cubbyhole earlier today.
I need to slope off tomorrow pm to get new shoes and maybe some shirts.
Arranging workmen is a chore.
Oxfam may be in line for more bags/boxes towards the end of the week.
The eye clinic appointment went ver' well yesterday.
Miah has enjoyed the summer but found the rain to be a bit of a bummer.
The amount of junk we have gotten rid of...
Oh, and I have acquired a Westfield bass guitar plus an amp.
.';lsvsdo[kgdmvb]e9rgjmdw vsdl
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Latest reply: Jul 30, 2013
Macbeth. Branagh. Kingston
Posted Jul 20, 2013
The Crummles company on overdrive.
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Latest reply: Jul 20, 2013
Finished ... almost
Posted Jul 12, 2013
370 sides of A4 and over 130,000 words. It goes to the 1st s/v on Monday and 15,000 words will have to get lost (plus, hopefully, some improvements made). Then proof-reading. Then final footnoting amendments. Then submission.
I am minded to instruct S to buy a complete Inspector Lynley DVD box set by way of celebration.
Pic-nic lunch tomorrow.
Cubbyhole on Sunday.
Susan's keyhole went well yesterday. Also mother's wee op.
I spent the morning listening to ... and Mary Chain and Luke Haines.
;pldkjef9ir-0gbjdkfo;0i[riubm dkweop-
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Latest reply: Jul 12, 2013
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