Journal Entries

Better than expected

Today went...

Now the marking.

kn grjgn vfjgrhi kfhb vfdv

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Latest reply: May 22, 2013

A truly truly truly awful day


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Latest reply: May 14, 2013

Half a mouse

S said there's a dead mouse on the doorstep and it's really tiny. Tiny, schminy - it was a half of a medium-sized mouse, and ane catt had chosen to eat the bum end.

The head sloshed around in the lavvy and it took three flushes to get rid of.

Day spent in cubbyhole.

ddf hf orweh v

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Latest reply: May 12, 2013

40 years

One of the acads gave his last ever lecture this afternoon, after 40 years in the LS. He gave my first lecture in the LLB, and that was nearly ten years ago. We all trooped in to his class to bust it up a bit and there were speeches and massive ovation from the students, and us, but it was more important from the students. They'll remember the lecture for a long time as the acad in question helped form generations of lawyers.

Sunday's Endeavour was truly splendid. It was up to the pilot. It was a pleasure to see Strange sitting his sergeant's exam, and the limp was well-explained. A worthwhile series.

Bacon & eggs for tea.

[knjwensv e[rgvhnv reh3jwopiowvnjsv

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Latest reply: May 7, 2013

The days are dragging

The end of the teaching year is imminent and exams are only a few weeks away. It is just dragging on. Everyone is ground down, everyone is ... like ... enough.

It is May and by demmy it strikes me that S has not yet cut the backie grass.

p[ksn,mbvuirebgv nkfewourihncjv

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Latest reply: May 1, 2013

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