This is a Journal entry by DruglessBrain
The days are dragging
DruglessBrain Started conversation May 1, 2013
The end of the teaching year is imminent and exams are only a few weeks away. It is just dragging on. Everyone is ground down, everyone is ... like ... enough.
It is May and by demmy it strikes me that S has not yet cut the backie grass.
p[ksn,mbvuirebgv nkfewourihncjv
The days are dragging
DruglessBrain Posted May 1, 2013
I saw the picture of the frail former president sitting next to the laughing current president and some words from Marlowe came to mind - "Why, this is hell, nor am I out of it."
All political careers end in failure, but that's a doozy.
dj fvriepgbr3uj vgkne
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The days are dragging
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