This is a Journal entry by DruglessBrain


Post 1


The thesis goes in on 30/9. I will have two external examiners plus an internal moderator and the viva will be in December. I have been correcting and dealing with comments from my first and second supervisors. I have also been wrestling with English land law plus some audit work which has taken me to Dundee and will take me to Thurso. Dundee Botanic Gardens are ver' nice - I prefer them to the botanics her at AU, but the Winter Gardens at Duthie Park still come out tops. I saw Elysium last Friday and thought it ver' good.

Actually, the Dundee University quarter is rather attractive and full of intersting Victorian buildings.

I have bought a 1970s Roberts Radio off e-bay. A proper radio. Not one of these piddly DABs - something that gives me depth to the sound and which has a knob for tuning. Say NO to Digital! Keep FM!!

Let's see. I have been reading Nicholas Nickleby and - in parallel - watching the early-1980s RSC adaptation, which is on YouTube, with Roger Reese and David Wossname as Nicholas and Smike respectively. That was a magnificent adaptation - the magic of theatre &c &c.

Anyhow, must dash. Back to the nit-picking...



Post 2


Hurray! Glad to hear you've got a date (or several) to aim for.

Haven't been around in here for a while - seem to have transferred my time-wasting to Facebook and Twitter - but missed you and Sue!

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