This is a Journal entry by DruglessBrain
Finished ... almost
DruglessBrain Started conversation Jul 12, 2013
370 sides of A4 and over 130,000 words. It goes to the 1st s/v on Monday and 15,000 words will have to get lost (plus, hopefully, some improvements made). Then proof-reading. Then final footnoting amendments. Then submission.
I am minded to instruct S to buy a complete Inspector Lynley DVD box set by way of celebration.
Pic-nic lunch tomorrow.
Cubbyhole on Sunday.
Susan's keyhole went well yesterday. Also mother's wee op.
I spent the morning listening to ... and Mary Chain and Luke Haines.
;pldkjef9ir-0gbjdkfo;0i[riubm dkweop-
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Finished ... almost
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