This is a Journal entry by DruglessBrain


Post 1


Now I have all this time on my hands... Oh no, it turns out I haven't. Well, the world continues.

So, July red robes plus studio photo - my first since 1976, when I insisted on wearing a Brigadier Lethbidge-Stewart green army patchy jumper, and everone commented upon how much I looked like Prince Andrew (which was only right and proper because I considered my mother on equal terms with the Queen). I will try to get tickets so that da Bruv can come along, as well as me Mammy and Unty Mururiel. It'll be a fancy dinner and then a suite in some posh hotel for S and I. I will be buying the robes, from which point it will be the sloppery slope ... white tie ... black tie ... morning tails &c &c. I will have to join a club.

I took Saturday and Sunday off, after Friday's staff hooly (I remaned mostly sober). It was nice to have some time off but I can't let it become a habit.

hysgfvwe nsdg-9werqfg23=0 sd vmsnklksknvscndc vlv PhD

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