This is a Journal entry by DruglessBrain
Spse it shd be rcrdd
DruglessBrain Started conversation Dec 4, 2013
The v is nw, on the Th actually
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PS Tennant in Richard II at the local Picturehouse. Spenedid-o-roonie.
Spse it shd be rcrdd
annie_cambridge Posted Dec 8, 2013
I loved Richard II as well. Beautiful production, and was amazed how much of the text was familiar from O Level English in 1967! Wasn't sure about Tennant's voice to begin with, but it grew on me (or I stopped noticing it). Lovely to see Jane Lapotaire and Michael Pennington too.
Spse it shd be rcrdd
DruglessBrain Posted Dec 8, 2013
We have just bought a download of The Hollow Crown in the strength of Monday's show.
Tennant got better and better as the play unfolded. Yes, it was lovely to see Jane Lapotaire. Bolingbroke reminded me in some of his body language of Voldemort.
Tennant did The Rivals many years ago. That'd have been worth seeing.
Viva this Thursday.
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Spse it shd be rcrdd
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