This is a Journal entry by DruglessBrain
DruglessBrain Started conversation Oct 28, 2013
It is 8.35am on 28 November 2013 and BBC Radio 3 are playing Walk on the Wild Side.
PJs OH Posted Oct 28, 2013
You seem to have lost a month somewhere Douglas. It's only October south of the border.
woofti aka groovy gravy Posted Oct 28, 2013
Yeah he's right. It's October here too. I think it's probably October everywhere, actually. Even on other planets, it's probably still October.
October is a nice month. Well it is here. It's Spring. The end of October, and in November I'm going with Sipho to Johannesburg.
It's a question of finding a small place where I can spend my winters. Winter in Cape Town is a major deal, cold and damp and miserable. But suddenly, and it always seems to happen suddenly, the weather warms up, the sun comes out, and it's the warm season again.
I watched the entire Star Wars series over 2 days recently. Lucas has something about having your arm chopped off. It's very noticeable if you watch them all back to back. Very strong and strange.
Anyway Douglas I expect they're enjoying your thesis and I'm sure soon you will be Dr Brain and will have a second life as a Law fundi. Well done. I'm sure you find it fulfilling and toffee apple.
Tinkerty tonk,
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