This is a Journal entry by DruglessBrain
Two Homes
DruglessBrain Started conversation Oct 19, 2014
S is at her late Mother's place and I am in the slum. I need to be near to work but S deserves the space and garden and ground floor amenity of the LM'sP. Anyhow, this arrangement has been going on since June/July with S only coming back post-Chemo. I dare say we are both ver' comfortable but...
S was supposed to be here this Wed-Fri but I came down with a stinker of a cold and S couldn't afford to run the risk of infection. The upshot is that I have slept 'til the back of 9 today and the preceding two days, which is good 'cos I generally have to rise at 6.30 to cope with workload.
In the flat on my own I can't be bothered with cooking so it's toast, yoghurt and bananas. Miah is a net loser on the two-homes thang as she only gets out when I am around.
2014-2015 is going to be a real drag of a year. It started badly and hasn't been improving.
The teeth may have settled down.
They eyes are still playing up.
S & I went to One Man Two Guvnors at HMT on Tuesday. Hercule Poirot Black Coffee is on next week but I will only go if I'm not cough cough coughing and if the infection risk is sub-sub-Clarrie (I always think of her now as Faecally-Fingered Clarrie).
Much work to do. Listening to R3. Reading Raymond Chandler and Dorothy Parker.
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Two Homes
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