This is a Journal entry by DruglessBrain
Better than expected
DruglessBrain Started conversation Sep 20, 2014
Well, the week turned out better than I had been expecting. I can now start reading the newspapers again.
S and I had a nice wee night away at Johnshaven in the Anchor Inn on Thursday. The food ther was excellent and Johnshaven itself a pretty wee fishing village - a nice place for a holiday.
S has chemo 4 this week. She is camping in her late mum's home - still subject to executry and with plans for a subdivision and new build in the backie. I am in the dingy flat and my work is in Aiberdeen, and tho' we will relocate next year it makes sense in the meantime for me to be close to the Uni.
Yesterday - Friday - was a lovely day, kicked off in Johnshaven and concluded at the Belmont Filmhouse where S and I watched the new Woody Allan flick, with Colin Firth and Ellen Atkins. A piece of fluff but fun enough. The week before we saw A Most Wanted Man, which was excellent.
I am in the summerhouse at the late MiL's and am taking a wee break from bashing out lecture PowerPoints - I formerly protested against PowerPoint, but, particularly given my mad workload, now appreciate them as a useful practical tool.
Roast chicken for tea then a Varg Veum to watch - a Scandi 'tec who hasn't made it over here to the - and I can now say it without qualification - UK.
There was, by the way, a nice chilled vibe to the city and shire yesterday.
S will probably be sick for a few days after chemo 4. I have been able to keep her company for the last few infusions but on Thursday coming have 5 classroom hours plus yadda yadda plus more yadda yadda.
I voted, BTW, on Thursday - my first time in years. Promises were made that must be kept...
Alistair Darling is an AU Law graduate.
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Better than expected
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