
Hi...! Welcome to my life

Nice pot, Fancy bras, Good music and a couple of faeries.

scarab beetle


Did you know that it is only since heroin was made illegal that the problems associated with it have arisen.
Heroin was widely used, before it was banned, in the same fashion. (to get high.) The thing is, it was legal, it was controlled safely and druglords were a thing of the future.
smiley - eureka
What will be banned next???

RIPsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fish<

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

The fairies have never a penny to spend,
They haven't a thing put by,
But theirs is the dower of bird and flower,
And theirs is the earth and sky,
And though you should live in a palace of gold,
Or sleep in a dried up ditch,
You could never be as poor as the fairies are,
And never be as rich.

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

If you like fearies or are a fan of Brian Froud, please click


If you are interested in the art work of fearies and other things *mythical* then the next link is for you. A stylish page with luminous art work by a lady called Stephanie pui-mun Law.

Shadow Scapes

I am not a member of The Philosophers Guild but it is a facinating read. If you would like a look, Click Here

And if your feeling sleek, shiny and are a bit of a predator, go to The Assasins Guild.

ps, I am a lurker. Not officially, But Ive been lurking around for a while now and find h2g2 the perfect place. If you want to find out more about it, please click

UnOfficial h2g2 Lurker



Im having trouble putting in bits about me on my page but my live is pretty simple. I live in a nice one bedroom flat in a small town in scotland. It has a nice big kitchen. My two cockatiels live in the kitchen. I also have two geckos who live in the sitting room and a dog called jake. I like to smoke cannibis rather than drink and find satisfaction in a smoothly rolled joint.

My Family

I have a wide and extended family with which I am very close. My parents, two sisters and two nephews and my gran, all live in my town and my brother and my aunts, uncles and cousins all visit regularly. Almost my entire family has smoked a joint with me at some stage and of course, I am the only person in the family who knows it.

My Friends

None of my best friends live in my town except my sister which is a shame. Leanne lives in Glasgow, Beth lives in Liverpool and Shonagh lives in Edinburgh. Because of this we meet up about once a month in a different city or back here. Last weekend we were in liverpool and had a fantastic time and next time I reckon we'll all go to Glasgow.

My work

I work in the community hospital as an auxilliary nurse and look after the everyday needs of the patients. Its a small hospital but I think our patients are lucky to be there. The staff have the care and patience to reassure those who are worried and provide friendship to those who have stayed there a while. Its a great place to work and I enjoy my job. Safe to say, I would never smoke anything the same day as I had a shift unless it was after a shift, just as you would not have a vodka before work.

My computor

I have only just got my old computor back and am learning how to use it for the first time(usually by messing about on H2G2). Its old and crumbling and Im saving up for a fancy one.

Gee is she really that boring

Well yes I am. Im saving up money and trying to pay off debts and I like not being a student. Maybe Ill go to Japan in two years and see all the shinto gardens or maybe Ill buy a state of the art computor. Who knows?


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