This is the Message Centre for Silunaka

faery magic

Post 1

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

hello silunaka

Was just passing through and i thought i'd say hello and welcome. You sound friendly, so im sure you wont bite... just i love the idea of faeries and pixies and all that sort of thing... and so i will invite you to drop around anytime to my little space for a smiley - magicsmiley - bubbly or smiley - donut perhaps?

Anyway, welcome...

pantherlady smiley - blackcat x

faery magic

Post 2


Cheers pantherlady, you yourself don't sound very smiley - schooloffish so i,ll drop round for a smiley - stiffdrink

faery magic

Post 3

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

I wouldnt want to be smiley - fish y would i? imagine the smell... ewwww.

Anyway, what would you like to drink? I can offer most stuff, but if i've run out i'll go fetch some... so... what would you like? And would you like a nibble with that too?

Methinks my space tells the basicness of me, but you know... if u ever want to ask anything, just ask...

smiley - smiley
smiley - blackcat x

faery magic

Post 4


Hey panther lady, at the minute I have my sisters 6week old kitten playing around my flat. smiley - cat The sweetest animal on 4 legs!! He's called sirius, guess what colour he is smiley - smiley

faery magic

Post 5


P.S, Ill have a vodka and lemonade if your offering, cheers

faery magic

Post 6

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

Im guessing he's black like a panther? I am the worlds most cat/kitten adoring lady... I have an old cat called kelly. Shes 17 and a whole 6 weeks older than me... and i have a way with smiley - cat s too... i seem to attract hordes of them...

smiley - magic well, it would appear there is plenty of vodka for your smiley - stiffdrink *smiley - run to sil to give it to her*

Im curious - what is your screen name about?

Kitten lick

faery magic

Post 7


The name just seems to have stuck. like a nick name i suppose. What about u I think ive figured out the cat bit smiley - smiley

faery magic

Post 8

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

My name.... well. I love cats, but my fave is panthers, so thats the first bit. My real name is Genevieve - she's the patron saint ofparis, so the patron saint bit came from there. Then i applied to be a GA and so im a patron saint too coz of that. The owltrons thundercat is a group on hootoo (link from my page) and the werepanther is also a hootoo group - the werebeasties... also linked on my space.... hope that answers. How did silunaka stick though - why did it start?
smiley - blackcat x

faery magic

Post 9


I dont know, when I first went on the internet, i was trying to find a name that i didnt have to put numbers after and started making up my own, silunaka has just become my screen name everywhere. I should maybe add some more to it though, u seem to tell a lot about yourself in your name,

faery magic

Post 10

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

sorry - ive been away for a few days or so...

i think silunaka sounds lovely actually. It makes me think of hot countries and floaty stuff... sorry. That wasnt ment to sound shallow.

As for my name... it wasbuilt up over time and its totally different from when i first joined hootoo. It started as Catwoman, but i felt there were too many of them.... lol.

smiley - blackcat x

faery magic

Post 11


It doesnt sound shallow at all, thats why I like it, it sounds a bit airy-fairy to me.
Ive been for a holiday in liverpool for the weekend. What a party!! Ive got to work at 2.30 today and Im still worn out!!smiley - headhurts
Only 5 days to the weekend!!!!

faery magic

Post 12

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

My bro went to uni in liverpool.... what do you do for work then??? Me - im still at school. Doing my a-levels this year...

Glad it wasnt shallow... coz i try not to be...

smiley - hug to keep you going xxx

faery magic

Post 13


Im a nurse in a wee town in scotland, but im getting a few weekends off at the mo, so im trying to make the most of them. Your brother must have had fun in liverpool, they kind of reminded me of scottish folk in a way, cos they were all so friendly. We found a great club called the Lemon Lounge and danced our pants off all night. And i went to a party in Penny Lane. that made my nightsmiley - smiley

faery magic

Post 14


Im a nurse in a wee town in scotland, but im getting a few weekends off at the mo, so im trying to make the most of them. Your brother must have had fun in liverpool, they kind of reminded me of scottish folk in a way, cos they were all so friendly. We found a great club called the Lemon Lounge and danced our pants off all night. And i went to a party in Penny Lane. that made my nightsmiley - smiley

faery magic

Post 15

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

Lemon Lounge??? Was everyting yellow? lol....

Sounds like oyu had a great time... so are you a specialised nrse? Or not? Do you know anything about Borderline Personality Disorders??? Just i found out a good friend of mine was diagnosed withit and i havent a clue what it is....

smiley - love me xxx

faery magic

Post 16


A border line prsonality disorder means she's a bit screwed up in her head and a lot of people have the same illness. thats all i know, im not specialized and most of the people i work with are geriatrics. I suppose id be specialized in using hoists. lol. its a bit boring really.
What A levels are you doing?
are they like highers?

faery magic

Post 17

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

Ok... so its realtively common then? Thanks... geriatrics are ok... some have them have alot of character... smiley - smiley

Im doing Human Biology, Chemistry and Physics (im an insane lady)... i think they're like the scottish highers yep... which part of scotland?

smiley - blackcat x

faery magic

Post 18


Right bang in the middle of scotland, naer loch tay.
Are you a scientist then? It sounds like hard work! how does that fit in with wican ideas??
(i dont know much about wica)
smiley - zen

faery magic

Post 19


Right bang in the middle of scotland, naer loch tay.
Are you a scientist then? It sounds like hard work! how does that fit in with wican ideas??
(i dont know much about wica)
smiley - zen

faery magic

Post 20

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

I love Scotland - i had a bio field trip in Arran a few weeks ago. It was gorjus...

Yep - im a scientist. I love biology most, coz i get to live in a totally different world smiley - laugh everything is so small it doesnt really exist in this world...

Im not actually wiccan, i just share some of the views. I dont see a problem between science and a religion, coz i see the religion as a way to set a goal and not as a mystical something else. Im not sure if thats very clear, but with the belief, i can chanel emotions to a goal, and acheive it because im focused on it, not coz of anoter force. Does that make sense?

So what do you believe?
smiley - blackcat x

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