This is the Message Centre for Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

This is...?

Post 101

IVA Richards

"a family thread" TG?

And exactly how many different men have you got on the go in your personal space?

This is...?

Post 102



smiley - run

This is...?

Post 103

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons


A little celebration in honour of the 103rd post of this thread.

smiley - bubbly

This is...?

Post 104

IVA Richards

smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - erm

A big celebration to mark my 138* in the 1979 World Cup Final at Lords.

This is...?

Post 105


Thanks for saving the 100th for me IVAR. Sorry I was late!

Never mind - smiley - bubbly all round!

This is...?

Post 106


So first we have the sports club, then the breast appreciation society and now it is an illegal drinking den..disgusting, I say, disgusting

This is...?

Post 107

IVA Richards

Hmmmmmmmm: let me think. Sport, breasts and booze: what's missing? Er......nothing. Hurrah!

This is...?

Post 108

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

This is is a broad church and everyone is welcome - well, almost everyone.

This is...?

Post 109

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

They are great norks, though, aren't they Vivy?

What do you think?

This is...?

Post 110

IVA Richards

===========Ladies, don't read this post: thanks===================

Great norks: I feel privileged that the Bandit brought them to our attention today.

How many marks would you give them.

This is...?

Post 111


(Er, Alex, I think you've done this bit smiley - smiley )

This is...?

Post 112

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Legbreaker, what do

Maybe it's better not to ask in case you do as your name suggests.
smiley - smiley

This is...?

Post 113

IVA Richards


Ladies, I'm out of my depth: what are norks please? Thanks.

This is...?

Post 114

IVA Richards

I've got to go because I'm tired, hungry and in court tomorrow (anyone making the "what are you up for?" joke will earn my enduring displeasure), so catch you all later.

This is...?

Post 115


If you scroll back a bit I think the question of the quality of the bits of the lady you are decribing have been discussed in depth, and there seems to be a clear consensus amongst the, er, male members as to their excellence.

However - if you feel the need to probe further, please feel free!

This is...?

Post 116

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

I am sorry, Viv. I forgot that you are from Antigua and therefore may not understand the English vernacular.

Norks are teeth. We were admiring Lara Lewington's beautiful, healthy, strong teeth (over and over again).

What did you think we were referring to?

This is...?

Post 117


What you up for then big boy?

This is...?

Post 118


I refer m'learned friend to his post 107, which I think clarifies beyond doubt the part of anatomy in question. Viz "breasts".

This is...?

Post 119


This is ...? FILTH

I see a job for me here.

I will not allow this sort of smut and sexual innuendo to continue.

What would your mothers think?

The shame of it.

This is...?

Post 120


Please Miss the big boys did it and then they ran away....

Key: Complain about this post