This is the Message Centre for Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

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Post 1

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

...nice, isn't it?

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Post 2


Mmmmm - I like it already. Have some smiley - bubbly

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Post 3

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Why, thank you. Let me buy you a smiley - ale

Oops, you're a girl so you need a smiley - stiffdrink

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Post 4

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

I am sure there is a nice warm bed somewhere in here. Is this the new BB house?

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Post 5


Alex. You've been looking at my legs! smiley - smiley

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Post 6


In the new, unsullied, pristine, BB house the first two new housemates drifted peacefully off to sleep. Alex was already snoring lightly in the boys bedroom, while Legs was quietly arranging some personal possessions in the girls bedroom. All bets were off, everything was possible: this was indeed a New Beginning for everyone.

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Post 7

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

But it was a little too quiet. Where had everyone gone?

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Post 8

IVA Richards

I come in peace.

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Post 9

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Welcome, peaceful one.

A brief outline for the day:

Newsreader of the day: Sophie Raworth;

Flower; tulip;

Herb: coriander;

Weather: mild, strong westerly breeze, cloudy with showers;

'Then I heard the children singing/They were running through the rainbows. They were singing a song for you/Well it seemed to be a song for you.'

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Post 10

El Bandido del Catmint.

Ah ha!

Can we put up a sign saying "Strictly no trolls" ?

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Post 11

El Bandido del Catmint.

And possibly a minefield...

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Post 12

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

I'll get Haz to put a sign up at the door to the house. She seems to be ruthlessly efficient when it comes to DIY.

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Post 13

El Bandido del Catmint.

Where should I park my bike?

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Post 14

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

I would suggest the garden shed but there is a strange bowler-hatted chap reading his King James bible in there.

Try PP's room. He won't mind; he likes bikes.

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Post 15

IVA Richards

On a motorist?

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Post 16

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

I see we are in the presence of greatness. Isaac Vivian (Albert?) has shimmered into the house...

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Post 17


It looks even better in daylight, doesn't it? Who's here then?

p.s. breakfast of the day - Jamaican veg. pattie - & it's very Hot!

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Post 18

IVA Richards

Not Albert: Alexander.

You may kiss my bat.

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Post 19

IVA Richards

I'm here Legbreaker.

Surely if it's Jamaican, it's a patty, not a pattie? And what are you doing having it for breakfast for crying out loud? Do you live in South London or something (many's the time I've picked up such an item from the chippie when drunk, and instantly regretted it).

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Post 20


Let me guess. IVA Richards must be a c****eter so you must be Pat? Yes - I do live in Sth London but don't usually have a patty (you are right abt the spelling) for breakfast.. Just a whim when I went out to get the paper.

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