This is the Message Centre for Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

This is...?: Rules and Regulations

Post 161


Alex - I still think the Rules were very reasonable! And when have I EVER encouraged ANYONE to undress? smiley - smiley

This is...?: Rules and Regulations

Post 162


Commune!!!!!!! Now what sort of pinko idea is that? Have you pair been reading CommunistsRus again smiley - biggrin
You'll be suggesting a kibbutz type board soon smiley - winkeye
smiley - devil

This is...?: Rules and Regulations

Post 163


Ok everyone - just put all your personal possessions into this big pile here. From now on we will hold everything in Common.

This is...?: Rules and Regulations

Post 164


I'm sorry Leggy but I am not putting my rampant rabbit in that communal pile, no way smiley - devil

This is...?: Rules and Regulations

Post 165


Er, actually Tarty Girl perhaps some things should be kept Personal.... smiley - smiley

This is...?: Rules and Regulations

Post 166


Leggy, you're only jealous because yours doesn't plug into the mains smiley - yikes

This is...?: Rules and Regulations

Post 167


I would have thought 10 5v batteries would be enough for anyone....

This is...?: Rules and Regulations

Post 168



This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 169


So - we're agreed to share everything except items of an intimate personal nature, like, er, false teeth.

Right then: who's cooking the lentils tonight?

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 170

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

No, I won't agree to that. My large collection of Swimsuit Monthlies is far too valuable to share with the hoi polloi. smiley - smiley

I have a couple of towels and some old cravats which I shall happily donate.

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 171

Lara Lewington's Fab O ulous Breasts

I have a few Wonderbras that have seen better days.

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 172


Can we use the wonderbras for hammocks?

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 173

Lara Lewington's Fab O ulous Breasts

Only if you're the size of a smallish bunny (not the Buzzing kind, of course).

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 174


Good morning This is Commune smiley - smiley

Leggy...who has false teeth then?

Weather: brisk wind, sunny intervals.
Vegetable: aubergine, sliced and grilled with feta cheese melted on top.
Weather Boy: why is there no decent male weather boy totty?
Communal act of the day: aerobics!

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 175


Well, maybe more cosmetically enhanced than false, like some other appendages around here (allegedly).... smiley - smiley

Communal Thought of the Day: "To each according to her needs, from each according to the size of his wodge"

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 176

Lara Lewington's Fab O ulous Breasts

Legbreaker - while it's just you and me - can you tell me which of the chaps actually does have a big wodge...and what exactly does that refer to...?

As an up, and hoping to push up further, weather gal I need to know just WHO is well wodged and and who is merely a bit flushed. I want a chap who's really pumping...oops - have I said too much?

smiley - blush Lara

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 177

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

'Well, er, I , er......don't know exactly what you mean, Lara, but I, er, could possibly be a suitable candidate if, er, I knew what you meant.'

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 178

Lara Lewington's Fab O ulous Breasts

I can see I will have to come clean.

Firstly : are you rolling in it?

Secondly : Do you have a huge dick?

Well, Alexandre Petits-P - you DID ask!

[I now fear for the morals of the poor innocent underage h2g2 surfers - I do hope their parents are on the ball!]

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 179


Gosh, Ms (Mrs?) Beast-Breasts, you are even more upfront than Tarty Girl - although I suppose that's only to be expected smiley - smiley

Well, I do know a very large Private Detective, if that's any use to you......

This is...?: The Commune Experience

Post 180

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Whatever. My place or yours? smiley - smiley

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