This is the Message Centre for Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 461

Thumb Puppet

With horrible shrieks of ... horror, most fans start tunning toward the entrance which is blocked by leggy.

However, for MOST dedicated fans, the foam from the extinguisher, triggers a crazy mate call. They jump on Thumbs and Alex who, even though strong as axes, crumble on the floor.

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 462


""Too late Again" expostulates Leggy. "And now we've got 24 hours of National Orgasm Day to get through somehow....". Quietly leading the less dedicated Groupies, Leggy puts up the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the locker-room door, and returns to the Bar. "Still - it'll be good training for them..."

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 463

IVA Richards

........especially as IVAR has now turned up. Test average of 50.23 don't you know (although only 47.00 when he only had 1 day to play with).

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 464

El Bandido del Catmint.

"National Orgasm Day"?

Isn't it a bit unfair to have a day just for the men to enjoy?

What, you mean women......? Well I never!

smiley - whistle

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 465

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

How do I celebrate National Orgasm Day? My staying power isn't what it was and 24 hours is long time...smiley - smiley

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 466


Leggy pops in to put some encouraging music on the Jukebox. First selection - "Orgasm Addict" by the Buzzcocks smiley - run

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 467

IVA Richards

And your mother wants to know why there are stains on your jeans.........

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 468

IVA Richards

Next on the jukebox are Prince's 'Come' (a very subtle one that) followed by FGTH with 'Relax'.

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 469

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Leggy? A Buzzcocks fan? Wahey! smiley - biggrin

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 470

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

My average this season is 46.33, IVAR. Am I in the presence of a fellow genius?

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 471


"Ever fallen in love with some-one
ever fallen in love in love with some-one
ever fallen in love IN LOVE with some-one you shouldn't fall in love with?"

Omigod. I'm exhausted now. What? No - pogoing, silly smiley - smiley

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 472

El Bandido del Catmint.

Next up - Dexy's, "Come on Eileen"...


This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 473

IVA Richards

Then the Beatles with "Come Together (right now, over me)".

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 474

El Bandido del Catmint.

"She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes..."

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 475

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

'Cumma cumma cumma cumma cumma cumma cummeele-urn, you come and go, you come and go-o-o-ohhh.'

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 476

El Bandido del Catmint.

"Come over here if you think you're hard enough..."

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 477


Well you all look tired but smiley - biggrin !

I've brought some refreshments - help yourself

smiley - teasmiley - ojsmiley - alesmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - cakesmiley - choc

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 478

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Cor, Leggy, have you seen that terrific spat in our old 'house'?

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 479


Yeah - that's what happens when you leave a place empty - squatters!

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 480

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Shall we call the police? Or just let them scrap it out to the death?

Ho hum.

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