This is the Message Centre for Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 441


OK. You & Thumbs go first. I'll score smiley - smiley

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 442


So, here we are at the starting-gate for the world-premier of Mud-C****et-Wrestling. Alex is first under the ropes, wearing a very fetching red-diamante bikini. Thumbs enters behind him, oh - a very daring leopard-print strapless number.

Thumbs wins the Toss and elects to Roll first. And they're of.....

This is...?: Weather Woes

Post 443

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

We can re-create the Bates/Reed scene from 'Women in Love' and you can film us on your camcorder, if you like. You can sell the film to art-house cinemas aroound the world and make a mint...

FaF will like that, I imagine. smiley - smiley

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 444


No! Mud-C****et-Wrestling is FAR more exciting! I think it's already my favourite sport smiley - smiley

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 445

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Okay, Leggy, but can you draw up some rules for us?

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 446


The Basic Rules of Mud-C****et-Wrestling

1. MCW is a sport of skill and grace for 2, 4 or 6 players in equal teams.

2. The wining team is the team which scores the most points having at least 1 surviving member

3. Technical Points are scored by EITHER moving the ball(s) from one corner of the ring to the other OR by immobilising the opponent (using an Approved Manouvere) so s/he relinqushes control of the ball(s). Artistic points are awarded by the Judge for precision, grace and sartorial elegance.

4. At least 3 limbs will be in the Mud at ALL TIMES.

5. Leggy's decsion is Final

Couldn't be easier! Off you go smiley - smiley

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 447

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

...Alex, failing to realise the game has started, is pinned to the ground thanks to Thumb's Double-Swichblade-Johnston manoeuvre; and, realising that he is under pressure early doors, Alex tries to counter with elbow chop to the 'nads, but he misses and accidentally hits Leggy in the stomach.

Thumb, however, is momentarily distracted by Leggy as she lies doubled up in pain on the canvas and Alex spots his chance. Grabbing his 4lb cr***et bat, he bashes an unsuspecting Thumb on the bottom, sending him flying into FaF, who is filming the event.

A melee of bruised and tangled limbs, the match has started to resemble a bloody battle-field, and IVAR, sensing his opportunity...

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 448


I don't like this new game. It's dirty, sweaty and degrading to men making them wear bikini's. Can we not chat about National Foreplay Day and National Orgasm Day instead smiley - winkeye

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 449


Oh - I was enjoying that! I have already given Alex 5 Artistic points - so he'd be well in the lead if Thumbs hadn't scored 20 Technical points.... but the match is barely started...

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 450


I wouldn't want to film it...not into that sort of stuff...who would want to watch it anyway...I mean Alex is past his prime now anyway smiley - run

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 451


As FnF runs away to make sure Mr FnF still has his nose in "Super-Advanced Foreplay Tecniques Vol XIX", Leggy blows her whistle for the start of the 2nd chukka and retreats to a place of safety conveniently next to the Bar.

Thumbs makes a great start by snatching Alex's bat from right under his... nose. Alex fights back with a demi-pirouette ending in a half-nelson as Thumbs relaxes his guard for a moment... it's still anybody's game...

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 452

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

Alex, sensing Thumb's vulnerability in and around his off-stump, throws himself into a Goosecog loop and catches him full square in the head. Thumb, who has no helmet, falls to the floor as if pole-axed by a FaF bouncer.

Alex, whose understanding of the rules is - at best - sketchy, appeals to the referee but Leggy, who is busy chatting up Essexstud at the bar, is not paying attention.

Thumb, battered, senses Alex's distraction and...

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 453


... instantly whips his bails off.

Leggy throws a pint of beer over essexstud and returns her attention to the match. She gives Thumbs a warning for breaking the Rules and hands Alex a warm sponge....

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 454


I think old essexstud might be a little sweetie really

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 455


FnF snatches the sponge and uses it to wipe the beer from essexstud's "wideboy-stylee" suit.. Leggy calls half-time and Thumbs & Alex retire to the dressing room for a quick rub-down and change of bikinis...

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 456


Who put that sponge there????????

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 457

Alexandre Petits-Pantalons

...from their ever-growing horde of groupies...

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 458


... who are all desparate to buy the mud-splattered rags which the Stars of MCW are quickly discarding...

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 459

Thumb Puppet

Thumb sitting in the locker room, between getting the mud from all of the holes and trying to get rid of some of the femals fans, trys to think of a new strategy. Also, there came a tough choice for a new bikiny.... String type with no top or a full piece suit with pink piggies on it. Well...noone said that its gona be easy

This is...?: Mud-C****et_Wrestling

Post 460


it is a well-known Fact that MCW is the most arduous of sports. However, a 12-hour half-time seems a little excessive even to the lax refereeing standards Leggy is enforcing. She tiptoes to the locker-room and peeps round the door.

What a sight meets her eyes! Alex and Thunbs are completely surrounded by Groupies who all appear to be a state of mild distress. Looking more closely, she realises that in fact they are ..., well, modesty forbids.

"Damn!" she exclaims. "I should have known better than to stage this event on National Foreplay Day! And only another hour before the situation develops to its inevitable climax!"

What can be done to bring the Sportsmen to their senses? Leggy eyes the fire alarm and extinguisher propped carelessly against the wall, and makes her move......

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